Inge Tetens

Inge Tetens


  1. 2007
  2. Comparison of different nutrient profiling schemes to a new reference method using dietary surveys

    Quinio, C., Biltoft-Jensen, A., De Henauw, S., Gibney, M. J., Huybrechts, I., McCarthy, S. N., O'Neill, J. L., Tetens, Inge , Turrini, A. & Volatier, J., 2007, In: European Journal of Nutrition. 46, Suppl. 2, p. 37-46 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Effect of dairy calcium or supplementary calcium on postprandial fat metabolism, appetite, and subsequent energy intake

    Lorenzen, J. K., Nielsen, S., Holst, Jens Juul, Tetens, Inge , Rehfeld, Jens Frederik & Astrup, A., 2007, In: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 85, 3, p. 678-687 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Forebyggelse af overvægt blandt børn og unge - oplæg til strategi

    Mølgaard, Christian, Dela, Flemming, Froberg, K., Heitmann, B. L., Holm, Lotte, Holstein, B. E., Madsen, S. A. L., Richelsen, B. & Tetens, Inge , 2007, Motions- og Ernæringsrådet. 104 p. (Publikation / Motions- og Ernæringsrådet; No. 2).

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

  5. Published

    Forebyggelse af overvægt hos børn og unge: oplæg til strategi

    Mølgaard, Christian, Dela, Flemming, Froberg, K., Heitmann, B. L., Holm, Lotte, Holstein, B. E., Jørgensen, K., Madsen, S. A., Richelsen, B. & Tetens, Inge , 2007, In: Ugeskrift for læger. 169, 24, p. 2314-2316 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Frugt, grøntsager og sundhed: opdatering af vidensgrundlaget for mængdeanbefalingen 2002-2006

    Hallund, J., Dragsted, Lars Ove, Halkjær, J., Madsen, C., Ovesen, L., Rasmussen, H. H., Tetens, Inge , Tjønneland, A. & Trolle, E., 2007, Søborg: Fødevareinstituttet DTU. 119 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

  7. Published

    Glycemic and insulinemic responses as determinants of appetite in humans

    Sloth, B., Flint, A., Møller, B. K., Raben, A., Pedersen, D., Tetens, Inge , Holst, J. J. & Astrup, A., 2007, In: International Journal of Obesity. 31, Suppl. 1, p. S161 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearch

  8. Nutrition, dietetics and food sciences degrees across Europe: (FENS Report)

    Cuervo, M., Brehme, U., Egli, I. M., Elmadfa, I., Gronowska-Senger, A., Tetens, Inge , Martínez, J. A. & Branca, F., 2007, In: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 51, 2, p. 115-118 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Nutritional characterisation of foods: Science-based approach to nutrient profiling. Summary report of an ILSI Europe workshop held in April 2006

    Tetens, Inge , Oberdörfer, R., Madsen, C. & de Vries, J., 2007, In: European Journal of Nutrition. 46, Suppl. 2, p. 4-14 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    The impact of a meat- versus a vegetable-based diet on iron status in women of childbearing age with small iron stores

    Tetens, Inge , Bendtsen, K. M., Henriksen, M., Ersbøll, A. K. & Milman, N., 2007, In: European Journal of Nutrition. 46, 8, p. 439-445 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Viable, lyophilized lactobacilli do not increase iron absorption from a lactic acid-fermented meal in healthy young women, and no iron absorption occurs in the distal intestine

    Bering, S. B., Sjøltov, L. B., Wrisberg, S. S., Berggren, A., Alenfall, J., Jensen, M., Højgaard, L., Tetens, Inge & Bukhave, K., 2007, In: British Journal of Nutrition. 98, 5, p. 991-997 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 40928702