Mapping the O-Mannose Glycoproteome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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O-Mannosylation is a vital protein modification conserved from fungi to humans. Yeast is a perfect model to study this post-translational modification, because in contrast to mammalsO-mannosylation is the only type ofO-glycosylation. In an essential step toward the full understanding of proteinO-mannosylation we mapped theO-mannose glycoproteome in baker's yeast. Taking advantage of anO-glycan elongation deficient yeast strain to simplify sample complexity, we identified over 500O-glycoproteins from all subcellular compartments for which over 2300O-mannosylation sites were mapped by electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-based MS/MS. In this study, we focus on the 293O-glycoproteins (over 1900 glycosylation sites identified by ETD-MS/MS) that enter the secretory pathway and are targets of ER-localized proteinO-mannosyltransferases. We find thatO-mannosylation is not only a prominent modification of cell wall and plasma membrane proteins, but also of a large number of proteins from the secretory pathway with crucial functions in protein glycosylation, folding, quality control, and trafficking. The analysis of glycosylation sites revealed thatO-mannosylation is favored in unstructured regions and β-strands. Furthermore,O-mannosylation is impeded in the proximity ofN-glycosylation sites suggesting the interplay of these types of post-translational modifications. The detailed knowledge of the target proteins and theirO-mannosylation sites opens for discovery of new roles of this essential modification in eukaryotes, and for a first glance on the evolution of different types ofO-glycosylation from yeast to mammals.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMolecular and Cellular Proteomics
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)1323-37
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2016

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ID: 160105895