Jørgen Dejgård Jensen

Jørgen Dejgård Jensen


My work is mainly dealing with research, teaching and advisory tasks within economic aspects of food consumption and food production. The research is mainly focused on economic analyses of consumer behavior, prodcer behavior and the effects of policy interventions on these behaviors.

Primary fields of research

-   Food-related consumer behaviour

-   Quantitative analyses of economic incentives vis-à-vis food consumption and food production

-   Economic interactions between actors in the food value chains

-   Economic aspects of food waste

Current research

InnoSweet – economic potentials and barriers in relation to innovation of sweetened beverages with less sugar content

Economics and interactions in Danish-Chinese food value chains

Economic perspectives for the Danish meat and dairy industry

Potential economic consequences of climate-friendly dietary guidelines


Applied Economics of Consumption

Consumer Economics and Policy

Tiltag til forebyggelse af madspil / Food waste mitigation

Økonomisk modellering / Economic modelling

Possible conflicts of interest

My advisory tasks for the Danish authorities are often within topics of considerable public and political interest, and where the work implies contact to various groups of stakeholders, from agriculture and food industry, as well as from consumer organisations, environmental organisations, etc.

Part of my research projects involve contact with firms and organisations, as a consequence of the framework conditions given to may governmental funding bodies with research and development programmes, such as the Innovation Fund ,GUDP, and the agricultural production levy funds (Pig Foundation, Cattle Foundation, etc.)

ID: 919330