Bente Halkier

Bente Halkier


Introductory remarks on publicationslist



List of publications for Bente Halkier


  1. Halkier, B. (2019). Political food consumerism between mundane routines and organizational alliance-building. In M. Micheletti, M. Boström & P. Oosterveer (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  2. Halkier, B. (2018). Mundane negotiations around official Danish dietary advice: Connection, expert knowledge, and everyday agency, Critical Public Health, pre-published online.
  3. Jackson, P., H. Brembeck, J. Everts, M. Fuentes, B. Halkier, F.D. Hertz, A. MEah, V. Viehoff & C. Wenzl (2018). Reframing convenience food. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Hertz, F. D. & B. Halkier (2017). Meal box schemes as a convenient way to avoid convenience food? Uses and understandings of meal box schemes among Danish consumers, Appetite, 114, 232-39.

  5. Halkier, B. (2017).Practice theoretically inspired focus groups: Socially recognisable performativity? In R. Barbour & D.L. Morgan (eds.): A new era of focus groups. London, Palgrave Macmillan.

  6. Halkier, B. (2017). Questioning the ‘gold standard’ thinking in qualitative methods from a practice theoretical perspective: Towards methodological multiplicity. In M. Jonas, B. Littig & A. Wroblewski (eds.): Methodological reflections on practice oriented theories. Cham, Springer.

  7. Halkier, B., M. Keller, M. Truninger & T.-A. Wilska (2017). Consumer and consumption research revisited. In M. Keller, B. Halkier, M. Truninger & T.A. Wilska (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Consumption. London, Routledge.

  8. Halkier, B (2017). Methods and methods debates within consumption research. In M. Keller, B. Halkier, M. Truninger & T.A. Wilska (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Consumption. London, Routledge.

  9. Halkier, B. (2017). Normalising convenience food? The expectable and acceptable places of convenient food in everyday life among young Danes. Food, Culture and Society. 20, 133-51.

  10. Halkier, B. (2017). Mundane science use in a practice theoretical perspective. A discussion of different understandings of the relations between citizen-consumers and public communication initiatives build on scientific claims. Public Understanding of Science. 26, 40-54.

  11. Halkier, B. (2016). Civic engagement by invitation? Citizen negotiations about public media framings of everyday life responsibilities for societal problems. In H.K. Nielsen (ed.): The democratic public sphere. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

  12. Halkier, B. (2016). Everyday mothering and the media food ‘soup’: comparing contested food and mothering across genres in two different social contexts. In K. K. Povlsen & J. Leer (eds.): Media Food and Identity. London, Routledge.

  13. Halkier, B. (2016). Nyheder og politisering af hverdagslivet [News and the politicization of everyday life]. I I. Willig & M. Ørsten (red.): Mediernes dagsordenssættende magt [The agenda-setting power of media]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  14. Keller, M., Halkier, B. and Wilska, T.A. (2016). Policy and governance for sustainable consumption at the crossroads of theories and concepts. Environmental Policy and Governance. Introductory article for the special issue on sustainable consumption. 26, 75-88.

  15. Halkier, B. (2015). Contested food consumption and everyday agency in a Danish context. In P. Strandbakken & J. Gronow (eds.): The consumer in society. Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.

  16. Halkier, B. (2014). Madborgerskab? Når videnskab møder hverdagspraksis [Food-izenship? When science meets everyday practices]. Politik [Politics], 2, 58-67.

  17. Halkier, B. (2014). Generalisering på basis af kvalitative data [Generalization on the basis of qualitative data] I D. N. Hopmann & M. Skovsgaard (red.): Metoder i journalistikforskning [Methods in journalism research]. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag.

  18. Martens, L., Pink, S. & Halkier, B. (2014) Introduction to Special Issue on Researching habits: Advances in Linguistic and Embodied Research Practice, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 17, 1-9.

  19. Keller, M. and Halkier, B. (2014) Positioning consumption: A practice theoretical approach to contested consumption and media discourse. Marketing theory.14, 35-51.

  20. Halkier, B. (2013). Contesting food – contesting mothering? In S. O’Donohoe, M. Hogg, P. Maclaran, L. Martens & L. Stevens (eds.): Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption: the Making of Mothers in Contemporary Western Culture. London, Routledge

  21. Halkier, B. (2013). Easy eating? Negotiating convenience food in media food practices. In H. Brembeck (ed.): Making sense of Consumption. Gothenburg, Gothenburg University Press.

  22. Halkier, B. (2013). Forbrug [Consumption]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon. 2.udgave [Media- and communication dictionary, 2. Ed]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  23. Halkier, B. (2013). Fænomenologi [Phenomenology]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon. 2.udgave [Media- and communication dictionary, 2. Ed]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  24. Halkier, B. (2013). Review of ”The case study as research method. A practical handbook” by Yves-C. Gagnon and ”How to do your case study. A guide for students & researchers” by Gary Thomas. Qualitative Research. 13, 107-10.

  25. Halkier, B (2013). A practice theoretical perspective on change behaviour campaigns and sustainability issues. In M. Cohen, H. Brown & P. Vergragt (eds.): Innovations in sustainable consumption. New economics, socio-technical transitions and social practices. Cheltenham,  Edward Elgar.

  26. Halkier, B (2012). Mad, ernæring og kulturel forhandling [Food, nutrition and cultural negotiation]. I L. Holm & S.T. Christensen (red.): Mad, Mennesker og Måltider – Samfundsvidenskabelige Perspektiver. 2. Udgave [Food, people and meals – social scientific perspectives, 2. Ed.]. København, Munksgaard.

  27. Halkier, B (2012). Mad, risiko og mad-borgerskab [Food, risk and citizenship]. I L. Holm & S.T. Christensen (red.): Mad, Mennesker og Måltider – Samfundsvidenskabelige Perspektiver. 2. Udgave [Food, people and meals – social scientific perspectives, 2. Ed.]. København, Munksgaard.

  28. Halkier, B. (2011). Methodological practicalities in analytical generalization. Qualitative Inquiry. 17, 787-97.

  29. Halkier, B. & I. Jensen (2011). Doing “healthier” food in everyday life? Varieties in handling public nutritional communication among Pakistani Danes. Critical Public Health. 21, 471-83.

  30. Halkier, B. (2011). Agency og hybridisering - Kompleksiteter omkring brug af forandrings-kommunikation i hverdagen [Agency and hybridization – Complexities around use of change communication in everyday life]. I P. Almlund & N.B. Andersen (red.): Fra Metateori til Kommunikation [From meta-theories to communication]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  31. Halkier, B. (2011). Review of ”The saturated society. Governing risk and lifestyles in consumer culture” by Pekka Sulkunen. Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 2.

  32. Jensen, I. & B. Halkier (2011). Network communication as resource in public intercultural communication: Conceptualising network communication in public nutritional communication uses among Pakistani-Danes. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 25.

  33. Halkier, B, T. Katz-Gerro, and L. Martens (2011). Applying practice theory to the study of consumption: Theoretical and methodological considerations. Editorial article. Special issue of Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 3 – 13.

  34. Halkier, B. and I. Jensen (2011). Methodological challenges in using practice theory in consumption research. Examples from a study on handling the nutritionalisation of food. Special issue of Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 98 - 120.

  35. Halkier, B (2010). Consumption Challenged. Food in Medialised Everyday Lives. Farnham, Ashgate.

  36. Harrits, G. S., Pedersen, C. S., & Halkier, B. (2010). Indsamling af interviewdata [Collecting interview data]. I Bøgh Andersen, L., Klemmensen, R., & Møller Hansen, K. (red.). Samfundsvidenskabelig Metode [Social scientific methods]. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag.

  37. Halkier, B. (2010). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk (Norwegian translation of Fokusgrupper 2. Udgave from 2008).

  38. Halkier, B (2010). Fokusgrupper: Den fokuserede socialitet [Focus groups: The focused sociality]. I S Brinkmann & L T Pedersen (red.): Kvalitative Metoder og Tilgange – en Grundbog [Qualitative methods and approaches – the basics]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  39. Halkier, B. (2010). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Malmö, Liber (Swedish translation of “Fokusgrupper. 2. udgave” from 2008).

  40. Halkier, B. (2010). Focus groups as social enactments: Integrating interaction and content in the analysis of focus group data. Qualitative Research. 10, 71-89.

  41. Halkier, B (2009).A practice theoretical perspective on everyday dealings with environmental challenges of food consumption. Anthropology of Food. 9, 5.

  42. Halkier, B, Holm, L & Nielsen Annemette (2009). Smil til Forbrugeren! Den danske model for fødevaresikkerhed under globaliseringens vilkår [Smile to the consumer! The Danish model for food safety under the conditions of globalization]. I M Marcussen & K Ronit (red.):Globaliseringens Udfordringer. Politiske og Administrative Modeller under Pres [The challenges of globalization. Political and administrative models under pressure]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  43. Holm, L. & Halkier, B. (2009) EU Food safety policy: Localising contested governance. European Societies. 11, 473-93.

  44. Halkier, B. (2009). Suitable Cooking? Performances and positions in cooking practices among Danish women. Food, Culture & Society. 12, 357-77.

  45. Halkier, B. (2009). Fænomenologi [Phenomenology]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon [Media- and communication dictionary]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  46. Halkier, B. & Jensen, I. (2008). Det sociale som performativitet. Et praksisteoretisk perspektiv på analyse og metode [The social as performativity. A practice theoretical perspective on analysis and method]. Dansk Sociologi, 19, 3, 49-68.

  47. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2008) Food consumption and political agency. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32, 667-74.

  48. Halkier, B. (2008). Fokusgrupper. 2 udgave [Focus groups 2. Ed.]. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

  49. Halkier, B., Holm, L., Domingues, M., Magaudda, P., Nielsen, A. & Terragni, L. (2007). Trusting, complex, quality conscious or unprotected? Constructing the food consumer in different European national contexts. Journal of Consumer Culture. 7, 295-318.

  50. Holm, L. & Halkier, B. (2007). Food safety in Europe: New policy and shifting responsibilities. In M. Kaiser and ME Lien (eds.): Ethics and the Politics of Food. Oslo: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

  51. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2006). Shifting responsibilities for food in Europe: Introduction. Special Issue of Appetite. 47, 127-33.

  52. Berg, L., Ganskau, E., Halkier, B., Holm, L., Kjærnes, U. & Minina, V. (2005) Trust in food safety in Russia, Denmark and Norway. European Societies. 7, 103-29.

  53. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2004) Tillid til mad – Forbrug mellem dagligdag og politisering [Trust in food – Consumption between everyday and politicization]. Dansk Sociologi. 15, 3, 9-26.

  54. Halkier, B. (2004) Review of “Political Virtue and Shopping: Individuals, Consumers and Collective Action” by Michele Micheletti. Perspectives on Politics. 2, 575-76.

  55. Halkier, B. (2004). Handling food-related risks: Political agency and governmentality. In M. E. Lien and B. Nehrlich (eds.): The Politics of Food. Oxford: Berg.

  56. Halkier, B. (2003). Consumption, risk and civic engagement: Citizens as risk-handlers. In M. Micheletti, D. Stolle & A. Follesdal (eds.):Politics, products and markets. Exploring political consumerism.  New Brunswick, Transaction Books.

  57. Halkier, B. (2003) The challenge of qualitative generalisations in communication research. Nordicom Review. 24, 115-24.

  58. Halkier, B. (2003). Mad, risiko og hverdagens politik [Food, risk and everyday politics]. I L. Holm (red.): Madens Sociologi [Sociology of food]. København: Munksgaard.

  59. Halkier, B. (2002). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

  60. Halkier, B. (2001). Consuming ambivalences. Consumer handling of environmentally related risks in Food. Journal of Consumer Culture. 1, 205-24 .

  61. Halkier, B. (2001). Consuming risk: Environmentality and consumers’ handling of risk in food consumption. Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoi Antropologii (Russian Journal of Sociology and Socialanthropology). Special Issue on Sociology of Consumption, 172-92.

  62. Halkier, B. (2001). Kan pragmatisme være analytisk? Studiet af miljøhensyn i forbrug som eksempel [Can pragmatism be analytical? The study of environmental consideration in consumption as an example]. I K.B. Pedersen & L.D. Nielsen (red.): Kvalitative Metoder – fra Metateori til Markarbejde [Qualitative methods – From meta-theories to field work]. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag.

  63. Halkier, B. (2001). Risikohåndtering i forbrug: Behov for at “kreolisere” sociologiske begreber [Risk handling in consumption: The need for “creolizing” sociological concepts]. Sosiologisk Tidsskrift. 9, 1-2, 156-179.

  64. Halkier, B. (2001). Risk and food: Environmental concerns and consumer practices. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 36, pp. 801-12.

  65. Halkier, B. (2001). Routinization or reflexivity? Consumers and normative claims for environmental consideration. In J. Gronow and A. Warde (eds.): Ordinary Consumption. London: Routledge.

  66. Halkier, B. (2000). Kan man Spise Dårlig Samvittighed? Forbrugeres Håndtering af Risiko ved Fødevarer i Hverdagen [Can you eat bad conscience? Consumers’ handling of risk in food in everyday life]. Rapport fra Institut for Kommunikation, Journalistik og Datalogi. Roskilde Universitets Center [Report from Department of Communication, Journalism and Computer Science, Roskilde University].

  67. Halkier, B. (1999). Consequences of the politicization of consumption: The example of environmentally friendly consumption practices. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 1, 25-41.

  68. Halkier, B. (1999). Strategiske vilkår for virksomheder fra miljøpolitisk forbrug [Strategic conditions for firms from environmentalist consumption]. Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi. 63, 97-112.

  69. Halkier, B. (1999). Politisering af forbrug i risikosamfundet [Politicization of consumption in risk society]. In K. Aagaard Nielsen, A. Greve, F. Hansson & K. Rasborg (red.): Risiko, Politik og Miljø i det Moderne Samfund [Risk, politics and environment in modernity]. Frederiksberg: Forlaget Sociologi.

  70. Halkier, B. (1999). Miljø til Daglig Brug? Forbrugeres Erfaringer med Miljøhensyn i Hverdagen [Environment for daily use? Consumer experiences with environmental consideration in everyday life]. Frederiksberg: Forlaget Sociologi.

  71. Halkier, B. (1998). Forbrug og miljø: Betydningen af hverdagslivets erfaringer [Consumption and environment: The meaning of everday life experiences]. Sosiologi i Dag. 28, 4-31.

  72. Halkier, B. (1998). Miljøhensyn i Forbrug. Erfaringer og Forhandlinger i Ambivalente Hverdagsliv[ Environmental consideration in consumption. Experiences and negotiations in ambivalent everyday lives]. Phd-afhandling. Institut for Miljø, Teknologi og Samfund. Roskilde Universitets Center [PhD. Dissertation, Department of Environment, Technology and Society, Roskilde University].

  73. Halkier, B. (1997). Miljøhensyn i forbruget: Kropslig fornøjelse eller forsagelse? [Environmental consideration in consumption: Bodily Pleasure or renunciation?] Grus. Nr. 52, 37-59.

  74. Halkier, B. (1995). Fænomenologiske fordele [Phenomenological advantages]. I K. Pedersen (red.): Planlægning mellem Genstand, Viden og Magt [Planning between object, knowledge and power]. Tek-Sam Forlaget, RUC.

  75. Halkier, B. (1994). Grønt forbrug – Hverdagspolitik? [Green consumption – everyday politics?] Grus. Nr. 44, 22-39.

  76. Halkier, B. & Danielsen, O. (1994). Organisering af Fremtidens Energisystemer i Danmark [Organization of the future energy systems in Denmark]. Rapport fra Institut for Datalogi, Kommunikation og Uddannelsesforskning. Roskilde Universitets Center [Report from Department of Computer Science, Communication and pedagogical research, Roskilde University].

  77. Halkier, B. (1993). Nye udtryk for sociale bevægelser – Grønt forbrug som eksempel [New expressions of social movements – Green consumption as an example]. Dansk Sociologi. 4, 4, 40-59.

  78. Halkier, B. (1993). Grønt Hverdagsliv – 90érnes Udtryk for Den Nye Miljøbevægelse? [Green everyday life – the 90’s expression of the new environmental movement?] Kandidatspeciale ved Institut for Statskundskab, Århus Universitet [Masters Thesis, Department of Political Science, Århus University].

  79. Halkier, B. (1992). Anmeldelse af [Review of] Eyerman and Jamison’s ”Social Movements – A Cognitive Approach”. Grus. Nr. 36, 115-19.

  80. Halkier, B. (1991). Greens in Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Friends of the Earth in Britain and Noah in Denmark. MA-dissertation, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, England.

  1. 2024
  2. Published

    Social network research and meat reduction – An overview of research directions and results from a study in Denmark

    Lund, Thomas Bøker & Halkier, Bente, Sep 2024, In: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. 14, 10 p., 100203.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Exploring routinization and reflexivity in change and reproduction of consumption towards lower climate impact

    Christensen, T. H., Halkier, Bente, Gram-Hansen, K., Freudendal-Pedersen, M. & Juvik, Amanda Krog, 2024, In: Journal of Consumer Culture. 24, 1, p. 211-229

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Pathways to more resource-intensive consumption through convenient bundles and complexes of food, mobility and housing practices

    Juvik, Amanda Krog & Halkier, Bente, 2024, In: Consumption and Society. 3, 1, p. 2-20

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. 2023
  6. E-pub ahead of print

    Dietary transition requires work: exploring the practice-transition processes of young Danish meat reducers

    Wendler, Morten & Halkier, Bente, 25 Mar 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Food, Culture & Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Ordentlig og sund mad kræver flere penge

    Ditlevsen, Kia, Halkier, Bente & Holm, Lotte, 8 Mar 2023, In: Information . p. 18 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalContribution to newspaper - Comment/debateCommunication

  8. Published

    Exploring everyday life dynamics in meat reduction - A cluster analysis of flexitarians in Denmark

    Halkier, Bente & Lund, Thomas Bøker, 2023, In: Appetite. 183, 14 p., 106487.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Pathways of less healthy diets. An investigation of the everyday food practices of men and women in low income households

    Ditlevsen, Kia, Halkier, Bente & Holm, Lotte, 2023, In: Critical Public Health. 33, 3, p. 318-331 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    The convenience of gaming

    Skelly, Thomas Andras Matthiessen, Jensen, K. H. & Halkier, Bente, 2023, In: Consumption and Society. 2, 1, p. 102–121

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. 2022
  12. Published

    Rød, gul eller grøn? Samarbejde mellem det offentlige og private skal sikre klimamærkets succes

    Halkier, Bente, Jacobsen, Jette Bredahl, Elmeskov, J., Richardson, Katherine, Knudsen, M. T., Kristensen, N. B., Heiselberg, P. K., Møllgaard, P. & Morthorst, P. E., 12 May 2022,

    Research output: Other contributionNet publication - Internet publicationCommunication

  13. Published

    Mad og sundhed blandt minoritetsdanskere

    Halkier, Bente, 2022, Mad, mennesker og måltider. Holm, L. & Tange Kristensen, S. (eds.). 3 ed. København: Munksgaard

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

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