Lotte Stig Nørgaard

Lotte Stig Nørgaard


Member of:

    1. 2011
    2. Emergency department clinical pharmacists and Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator

      Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Other), Eriksen, C. (Other) & Tomsen, D. V. (Other)

      15 Jun 201117 Jun 2011

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    3. Action research – used for implementing Home Medication Review.

      Sørensen, E. W. (Other), Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Other), Kaae, Susanne (Other), Christensen, S. (Other) & Gustafsen, I. (Other)

      15 May 201117 May 2011

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    4. Pharmacy Practice and Health Services Research Conference

      Wallman, C. (Participant) & Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Participant)

      15 May 201117 May 2011

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    5. Medicingennemgang – en ydelse i sundhedssektoren? Debatmøde for beslutningstagere og interesseorganisationer i sundhedssektoren

      Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Participant)

      5 Apr 2011

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    6. Arbejdsgruppe bag udvikling af kommunikations- og PR-strategi for Institut for Farmaci (Event)

      Rades, Thomas (Member), Gammelgaard, Bente (Member), Hermannsen, K. (Member), Nielsen, C. U. (Member) & Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Member)

      2011Oct 2012

      Activity: Membership typesMembership in committee, council, board

    7. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (Journal)

      Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Peer reviewer)

      2011 → …

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    8. The Danish Pharmaceutical Association (External organisation)

      Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Member)


      Activity: Membership typesMembership in committee, council, board

    9. 2010
    10. Evaluering af samarbejdet mellem apotek og læge om medicingennemgang (MGG)

      Sørensen, E. W. (Other), Kaae, Susanne (Other), Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Other), Gustafsen, I. (Other) & Christensen, S. T. (Other)

      12 Nov 2010

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    11. Medisam 2010 – Resultater. Oplæg ifm. Medisamprojektmøde for eksterne parter.

      Sørensen, E. W. (Other), Kaae, Susanne (Other), Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Other), Gustafsen, I. (Other) & Christensen, S. T. (Other)

      12 Nov 2010

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    12. Lægemiddelopfattelser – hvad ved vi om hvad brugeren tænker om lægemidler.

      Nørgaard, Lotte Stig (Other)

      16 Mar 2010

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

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