Was Every Polis Town the Centre of a Polis State?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearch

Ordet polis i betydningen by bruges i arkaiske og klassiske kilder udelukkende om en by, der samtidig var det urbane centrum for en polis i betydningen stat.

In archaic and Classical sources the word polis in the sense of city  is invariably used about a city which was the urban centre of a polis in then sense of state.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Return of the Polis: The Use and Meanings of the Word Polis in Archaic and Classical Sources : Papers from the Copenhagen Polis Centre 8
EditorsMogens Herman Hansen
Number of pages39
Place of PublicationStuttgart
PublisherFranz Steiner Verlag
Publication date2007
ISBN (Print)978-3-515-09054-4
Publication statusPublished - 2007
SeriesHistoria Einzelschriften

ID: 2286482