High‐Performance Reversed‐Phase Flash Chromatography Purification of Peptides and Chemically Modified Insulins

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Preparative reversed-phase HPLC is the established method for the purification of peptides, but has significant limitations. We systematically investigated the use of high-performance reversed-phase flash chromatography (HPFC) to rapidly purify laboratory-scale quantities of crude, synthetic peptides and chemically modified insulins. We demonstrated these methods for a diverse set of peptides, including short, medium, and long peptides. Depending on the purity profile of the peptide, HPFC can be used either as the sole purification method, or as a pre-purification method prior to final HPLC purification. Furthermore, HPFC is suitable for the purification of peptides that are not fully in solution. We provide guidelines for the HPFC of synthetic peptides and small proteins, including the choice of columns, eluents, and gradients. We believe that HPFC is a valuable alternative to HPLC purification of peptides and small proteins.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)1818–1822
Publication statusPublished - 2021

ID: 261049681