Factors affecting C:H and C:N ratios determined by gas chromatography coupled with atomic emission detection

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An atomic emission detector has been evaluated for the estimation of C:H and C:N ratios of compounds eluted in gas chromatography. When C:H and C:N ratios were estimated using external reference compounds, the greatest accuracy was obtained when the quantity of the reference compound was similar to that of the analyte of interest. The accuracy of the C:H and C:N ratios determined was also affected by the molecular structure of the reference compound. C:H ratios of the greatest accuracy were obtained by using reference compounds having structures similar or close to those of the compound of interest; this was not always so for C:N ratios.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of High Resolution Chromatography
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)89-93
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1992

    Research areas

  • Atomic emission detection, AED, Capillary gas chromatography, Molecular formulas, Qualitative analysis, Response factors

ID: 231657166