Divergent Molecular and Cellular Responses to Low and High-Dose Ionizing Radiation

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  • Bharath Sampadi
  • Sylvia Vermeulen
  • Branislav Mišovic
  • Jan J. Boei
  • Batth, Tanveer Singh
  • Jer Gung Chang
  • Michelle T. Paulsen
  • Brian Magnuson
  • Joost Schimmel
  • Hanneke Kool
  • Cyriel S. Olie
  • Bart Everts
  • Alfred C.O. Vertegaal
  • Olsen, Jesper Velgaard
  • Mats Ljungman
  • Penny A. Jeggo
  • Leon H.F. Mullenders
  • Harry Vrieling

Cancer risk after ionizing radiation (IR) is assumed to be linear with the dose; however, for low doses, definite evidence is lacking. Here, using temporal multi-omic systems analyses after a low (LD; 0.1 Gy) or a high (HD; 1 Gy) dose of X-rays, we show that, although the DNA damage response (DDR) displayed dose proportionality, many other molecular and cellular responses did not. Phosphoproteomics uncovered a novel mode of phospho-signaling via S12-PPP1R7, and large-scale dephosphorylation events that regulate mitotic exit control in undamaged cells and the G2/M checkpoint upon IR in a dose-dependent manner. The phosphoproteomics of irradiated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair-deficient cells unveiled extended phospho-signaling duration in either a dose-dependent (DDR signaling) or independent (mTOR-ERK-MAPK signaling) manner without affecting signal magnitude. Nascent transcriptomics revealed the transcriptional activation of genes involved in NRF2-regulated antioxidant defense, redox-sensitive ERK-MAPK signaling, glycolysis and mitochondrial function after LD, suggesting a prominent role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) in molecular and cellular responses to LD exposure, whereas DDR genes were prominently activated after HD. However, how and to what extent the observed dose-dependent differences in molecular and cellular responses may impact cancer development remain unclear, as the induction of chromosomal damage was found to be dose-proportional (10–200 mGy).

Original languageEnglish
Article number3794
Issue number23
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors.

    Research areas

  • antioxidant response, cell signaling, DNA damage response, ionizing radiation, linear no-threshold, low dose, mitochondria, phosphoproteomics, reactive oxygen species, signal transduction

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ID: 330737074