Wiebke Marie Junk

Wiebke Marie Junk

Associate Professor


Wiebke Marie Junk is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science. Her research interests link to public policy, comparative politics, European Union (EU) and global governance, and democratic participation.  Her work addresses policy processes at national and European Union (EU) level, and focusses especially on the influence of non-state actors on political decision-making.

From 2020-2023, she led the InterCov Project which assessed the role of lobbying after the outbreak of the global pandemic. Project outcomes include the book 'Viral Lobbying' and a series of journal articles on topics such as first mover advantages in lobbying, knowledge sharing among advocates, and the effects of political demand on lobbying strategies.

Previously, she was part of the GovLis Project (Short for: When does Government Listen to the Public?), which assessed conditions for government responsiveness to public opinion and interest groups. 

Wiebke's work has, for example, been published in the American Journal of Political Science (AJPS), Comparative Political Studies (CPS), Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP), European Journal for Political Research (EJPR), Governance, West European Politics (WEP), Research & Politics, Interest Groups & Advocacy, and European Journal of International Relations (EJIR). 


Wiebke's past and ongoing teaching includes courses on: Public Policy;  Institutions, Policy Processes and Policies in the EU; Lobbying and Interest Groups; Political Representation and Legitimacy; International Public Administration; and Advanced Methods in EU Studies. Moreover, she supervises Master theses and internship reports on a variety of topics related to public policy, European and EU politics.

Office hours: Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

ID: 143258754