Sofia Hammami Bomholtz

Sofia Hammami Bomholtz


  • Born in 1979 in Sousse, Tunisia. I am half Tunisian and half Danish. I have lived in Denmark since 1998.
  • Married. 2 Children born in 2011 and 2015.
  • Academic degreees: BSc in Biology, MSc and PhD

For almost 15 years in academia, I have been involved in fundamental research within ion channel physiology and for the past 5 years, in ion channel pharmacology and drug screening as part-time Research Scientist at the Danish biotech company Acesion Pharma.

I am involved in diverse projects in the ion channel group by contributing mainly with my knowledge in ion channel electrophysiology as well my technical skills and hands on experience with conventional and automated patch clamp technique. My main focus is studying the role of specific potassium channels in cardiac fibrosis during atrial fibrillation by using different in vitro techniques such as electrophysiology, cell culture, protein biochemistry and proliferation assays.

Primary fields of research

Ion channel regulation, Heart arrhythmias, cardiac fibrosis, electrophysiology, drug screening, in vitro pharmacology.

ID: 40446292