Rasmus Grønved Nielsen

Rasmus Grønved Nielsen

Assistant Professor


2021: Doctor of Laws (doctor juris), LLD, University of Copenhagen (English title of dissertation: "Administrative Contracts - Legal Studies of Administrative Authorities' Use of Agreements as a Means of Public Management with Special Regard to the Exercise of Public Power")

Remark: The doctor juris (dr.jur.) degree exceeds the level of PhD and traditionally documents research qualifications at the level of full professorships comparable to the German “habilitation”.

2016: LL.M., University of Copenhagen

2014: LL.B., University of Copenhagen

2011: General upper secondary school leaving certificate (STX), Faaborg Gymnasium

Aug. 2022 - now: Associate professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

May 2021 - Jul. 2022: Assistant professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Feb. 2021 - Apr. 2021: Research assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Nov. 2017 - Jan. 2021: Ph.D. fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen (incl. four months of paternity leave)

Feb. 2017 - Oct. 2017: External lecturer/teaching assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Aug. 2016 - Oct. 2017: Assistant attorney, Kammeradvokaten/Advokatfirmaet Poul Schmith (Legal Advisor to the Danish Government)

Nov. 2012 - Jun. 2016: Law student assistant, Kammeradvokaten/Advokatfirmaet Poul Schmith (Legal Advisor to the Danish Government)

Jan. 2011 - Feb. 2012: Student assistant, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre


Internal positions

2023 - now: PhD Coordinator

2023 - now: Coordinator, Research Group for Generel Administrative Law

2022 - now: Course responsible, General Administrative Law (4th semester)

Other positions

2024 - now: Member of advisory board, K-News (unremunerated)

2023 - now: Editor-in -chief, Forvaltningsretlig studieserie (www.jura.ku.dk/almindelig-forvaltningsret) (unremunerated)

2023 - now: Board memeber, Foreningen for Kommunal- og Forvaltningsret i Danmark (unremunerated)

2022 - now: Board member and secretary, the local Danish committee to The Nordic Lawyers' Meetings (unremunerated)

2022 - now: Board member, "Fonden til støtte for retsvidenskabelig forskning ved Københavns Universitet" (unremunerated)

2022 - now: Board member, "Det finneske legat" (unremunerated)

2021 - now: Chairman, "Taksationskommissionen for Sjælland mv." (appeal board for compensation claims for governmental expropriations)

2021 - now: Co-editor, "Miljøretlig Forskningsportal" (Environmental law report) (unremunerated)

2020 - now: Board member, Juridisk Forening, Copenhagen (unremunerated)

2017 - now: Independent consultancy

2018 - 2019: Co-editor, "Miljøretlige Afgørelser og Domme" (Environmental law journal)

2016 - 2018: Author, "EU-Karnov" (EU law database)

Research stays

2022 (Oct.-Nov.): Research stay, University of Bergen, Faculty of Law

2018 (Oct.-Dec.): Research stay, University of Bergen, Faculty of Law

2014 (Aug.-Dec.): Exchange stay, Duke University, School of Law


LLD (doctor juris)

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