Peter Waaben Thulstrup

Peter Waaben Thulstrup

Associate Professor

Member of:

    Protein and nucleic acid structures and development of their synthetic modification as tools to investigate aspects of biological chemistry


    Scientific interests and techniques:

    Bioinorganic, inorganic and physical chemistry; in particular:

    • Understanding the chemistry, function, and structural dynamics of biological macromolecules with particular regard to the role of metal ions
    • Metal ion uptake and regulation in biological systems
    • Peptide and protein (mis-)folding and self-assembly
    • Ordered systems and chirality
    • Circular and linear dichroism spectroscopy
    • Absorbance, fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy including X nuclei
    • Small molecule dynamics and photophysics and applied computational chemistry


    Main scientific equipment:

     Jasco J-815 spectropolarimeter with capabilities for CD, fluorescence, MCD (1.5 T), stopped-flow kinetics, automated titration, and flow linear dichroism spectroscopy.

    • Jasco FP-6300 Spectrofluorometer, Shimadzu UV-2401PC UV-VIS and Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR, liquid nitrogen cryostats and an extensive collection of optical cells for various purposes.
    • Nicolet FT-IR for solid, liquid and gas analysis and other instruments for vibrational spectroscopy.
    • Joint facilities with the research group include GMO and radiochemistry laboratories.

    ID: 4222503