Michael Broberg Palmgren

Michael Broberg Palmgren


Date of birth: July 17, 1957
Citizenship: Danish
Tel /Fax: (+45) 3533 2592 / (+45) 3528 3365
Email: palmgren@plen.ku.dk


Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Thorvaldsensvej 40
DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark


Academic degrees
2003: D. Sc. (dr. scient.), Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL)
1990: Ph.D. (fil. dr.) in Plant Biochemistry, University of Lund
1987: M. Sc. in Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen


1998-present: Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Copenhagen (until 2007: KVL)

2016 Visiting Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

2009-12 Chairman, the Danish Natural Science Research Council (FNU: DFF) 
2002: Visiting Professor, CNRS, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
1995-1997: Associate Professor, Molecular Biology Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen
1993-1995: Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Biology, KVL
1992: EMBO Long-term Fellow, August Krogh Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen
1990-1991: EMBO Long-term Fellow, EMBL, Heidelberg


Research interests
We have recently become interested in accelerating breeding of orphan crops and wild plants for a future agriculture that is sustainable and climate-friendly. Our traditional focus has been of P-type ATPases, a large family of ubiquitous primary active transport proteins, which in plants are involved in nutrient uptake and reallocation, signal transduction, and secretion processes. We study their function and regulation in plants by a plethora of methods going from molecular biology and membrane biochemistry to cell biology and whole plant physiology.


Prizes and honors
2017 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society (SPPS) Award given 'in recognition of an outstanding contribution to plant science'

2016 Communicator of the Year 2015, University of Copenhagen-PLEN

2016 Knight of the ‘Order of Dannebrog’ for 'meritorious contribution to the sciences'

2012 Best Teacher of the Year, Faculty of Life Sciences 2012 (’Den gyldne Tyr’)

2009 Elected member of the ‘Academy for Technical Sciences, Denmark’ (ATV)

2008 Elected member of "Faculty of 1000"

2005 Lifelong right to inhabit the Knud Sand Honorary Residence, KDVS

2000 Elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters


Scientific societies 
2009 Elected member of the ‘Academy for Technical Sciences, Denmark’ (ATV)

2003-present: Invited member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molec. Biol.
2001-present: Board member, Societas Physiologiae Plantarum Scandinavica (SPPS)

2000 Elected member of the ‘Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters’
1999-2001: Chairman, Danish Biological Society


Editorial activities

2018- Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Trends in Plant Science

2016- Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Biological Chemistry

2006-present: Co-editor for The Plant Cell
2005-present: Journal Responsible for Physiologia Plantarum
2002-present: Member of Advisory Board of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
1999-2003: Member of Editorial Board of Plant and Cell Physiology


Research evaluation

2009-17 Chair, Bibliometric Group 34, Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science

2007-12 Member of the Danish Natural Science Research Council (Chair 2009-12)

2001-07 Member of the Industrial PhD Programme Committee, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Denmark

Evaluator of grant applications from the NSF (USA), US Department of Agriculture,

BBSRC (U.K) and ANSRC (Austria); Reviewer for NatureScienceEMBO J., J.

Biol. Chem., Plant CellPlant J., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, etc.


Administration of major national research activities (2012-)

2020-26 Coordinator of Novo Nordisk Foundation project “NovoCrops”

2019-24 Coordinator of Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens project “RaisingQuinoa”

2017-20 Coordinator of Innovation Fund Denmark project “LESSISMORE”

2013-17 Coordinator of University of Copenhagen Interdisciplinary Excellence Program “Plants for a changing world”

2010-14 Coordinator, Strategic Research Foundation project “FungalFight”

2007-17 Co-contractor and Steering Committee member, Danish National Research Foundation Centre “Centre for membrane pumps in cells and disease” (PUMPkin)


Member of conference committees (2012-)

2019 19th Int. Workshop on Plant Membrane Biol., Glasgow

2018 Plant Biology Europe, Copenhagen, European Plant Science Organization

2016 18th Int. Workshop on Plant Membrane Biol., Annapolis, MD

2014 IXth International Conference on Na,K-ATPase, Lunteren

2013 17th Int. Workshop on Plant Membrane Biol., Kurashiki


More than 60 presentations as invited speaker at international conferences.
More than 40 oral presentations /seminars at international universities.


Supervisor functions
Master students: Supervisor of >22 internal and external student projects (12 since 2006); Ph.D. students: Supervisor of 22 internal and external Ph.D. student projects (14 since 2006); Opponent at >10 Ph.D. examinations outside KU.


Public outreach

I have given numerous popular science seminars and written debate articles and presented plant biology in Danish and foreign newspapers (on 57 occasions since 2014), on radio and on national TV.



Published 170 papers in international journals with peer review; >17.000 citations in the scientific literature; 55 papers with ≥100 citations; h-index = 66[Google Scholar]/55[WoS] (June 2020).


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