Marco Piovesan

Marco Piovesan

Professor, Guest Researcher

Member of:

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.

Primary fields of research

My research focuses on social preferences, self-control problems, unethical behavior, peer effects, and behavioral contract theory. My papers have been published in academic journals including the American Economic Review, Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, Economics Letters, PLoS ONE, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Scandinavian Journal of Economics and International Review of Economics. I have several works that are currently under revision and that I hope to publish soon. Moreover, I like to write for the general public and I wrote some articles for Ticonzero-Knowledge and Ideas for Emerging Leaders. 
My studies have been featured in The New Yorker, The Financial Times, Businessweek, Workplace Psychology, Resource, Human Resources iQ, Mental Notes, HBS Working knowledge, CBS Business Network and many other international magazines. Many blogs have recently discussed my research. 


I am currently teaching the following courses on Behvaioral and Experimental Economics: Science of Behavior Change (SBC) and Behavioral Economics in Action (BEA).


Current research

My new papers are available to download on my webpage:

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