Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen

Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen


I have worked within plant biomass science for about 25 years, mostly within academia in Denmark, but also abroad. In my research, I strive to obtain a better understanding of wood and other plant materials with the scope of linking chemical and structural characteristics to function and performance. For this, I use a range of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. I study structure-function relationships both within live trees, within traditional wood science, e.g. wood-water interactions and wood modification aiming at preventing degradation as well as within plant biomass utilisation via processes such as enzymatic saccharification. I have worked extensively with plant cell wall–water-enzyme interactions and plant cell wall microstructure (especially cellulose). I have also worked with in-situ testing and non-destructive evaluation of a broad range of biological materials using spectroscopy and chemometrics. As of March 2019, I am leader of the biomass science and technology research group at the University of Copenhagen.

ID: 4236444