Katrine Egede Zeuthen

Katrine Egede Zeuthen

Guest Researcher, External Lecturer

Research fields

  • Sexual development in childhood
  • Child sexual abuse: prevention, identification and assessment
  • Sexual trauma: intervention and treatment
  • Education of practitioners in the field of child sexual abuse


Research group memberships

  • Center of Sexuality, Language, and Gender
  • Center of Psychoanalysis
  • Personality Psychology – Subjectivity, Sensing and Sensuality


Research: brief description

Katrine Zeuthen is associate professor in clinical child psychology, PhD, authorized clinical psychologist, and specializing as psychoanalyst in the Danish Psychoanalytic Society (member of the International Psychoanalytic Association).

Katrine Zeuthen’s research is double being both highly specialized and cooperating very broadly with the field of praxis. Her research focusses on developing, analysing, and evaluating different forms of intervention directed towards child sexual abuse and trauma founded in an understanding of sexual development in childhood. A major focus of Katrine Zeuthen’s research is to implement an integral and practice-oriented understanding of why cases of suspicion of child sexual abuse and trauma are so difficult to understand, relate to, and act on, and how this could be better addressed by the various professional groups involved in the field. She formulates and legitimizes methods of identification, assessment, intervention, and treatment that are derived from empirical research, clinical and therapeutic expertise, development of theory, as well as an ongoing involvement and interaction with the broad field of child sexual abuse and trauma and the various disciplines that are involved in this area. With her research she emphasizes how and why a generalized stance towards the field of child sexual abuse and trauma should be that each case must always be understood on its own terms as both unique and context based. Her work interacts with and is directed towards academic, clinical, educational, social, legal, and political areas related to the field of child sexual abuse.

In cooperation with The Social Agency from The Ministry of Social Affairs, Katrine Zeuthen has been project and research manager for a research program aiming at developing, evaluating, and implementing a new research based prevention scheme derived from her clinical experience and her PhD and postdoctoral research. This has resulted in the design, production, and dissemination of “Play Room”, an educational imagery for children and adolescents including a pictorial material, an App, a user manual, as well as education programs in the use of Play Room directed at professionals. Currently “Play Room” is being analysed and tested as an assessment tool in cases of suspicions of child sexual abuse. 

In addition to Katrine Zeuthen’s research, she is a very sought for lecturer, teacher, and supervisor nationwide: in municipalities, social services, hospitals, police academy, higher education as well as specialist trainings. She has given papers at conferences in Scandinavia, Iceland, London and USA, and she I frequently invited to speak in the press.

Current research projects

  • Theory development of the relationship between child sexuality, child sexual abuse, and sexual trauma
  • Clinical work with and case studies of children with sexual behavior problems
  • Analysis and implementation of “Play Room” as assessment tool for suspicions of child sexual abuse

Major grants

2009- 2012: The funding of DKK 7.800.000 by the rate adjustment pool, The Social Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs: The development of an educational material on children’s learning about boundaries, empathy, and sexuality as well as testing of the material, resulting in “Play Room”.

2007-2009: Grant DKK 1.380.000 from The Research Council for Culture and Communication: Child Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse – How is development and trauma related? The project was carried out in cooperation with Copenhagen Child and Family Advice Centre, Sct. Stefan and SISO, Center of knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse, The Social Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs.

2002: Received the University’s gold medal for Master thesis and prize paper: Fantasy in Reality. On psychic reality, infantile sexuality, and seduction.

2002: The National Health Foundation Research Award for Master Thesis, DKK 250.000.



  • Bachelor’s course and theses
  • Master’s theses
  • Master’s seminars on child development, child sexuality, and sexual trauma
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Interview training
  • Supervision of student clinical work


List of Publications


Zeuthen, K. (submitted to IPA website): Practicing Psychoanalytic Theory in the Field of Child Sexual Abuse. In: Psychoanalytic consultation in Health organizations: new methods of intervention. Presentation given  at the 49th International Psychoanalytic Congress in Boston, 2015, July 25th   

Zeuthen, K. (accepted for publication): Kan man forstå infantil seksualitet uden en teori? (How can infantile sexuality be understood without theory?), Center of Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Yearbook 2015

Zeuthen, K., Hagelskjær, M. & Busck, A. (accepted for publication 2015): Udvikling af Spillerum (The Development of Play Room). In: SISO, The Social Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs Website

Zeuthen, K. & M. Hagelskjær Jensen (2013): Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse – analysis and discussion of the field. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Volume 22, Issue 6, 742-760, online August 2013, in print December 2013 *

Zeuthen, K. (2012a): Børns seksualitet (Child Sexuality). In: Månedskrift for læger i almen praksis, april 2012, 305-314

Zeuthen, K. (2012b): Seksuelle overgreb mod børn (Child Sexual Abuse). In: Månedskrift for læger i almen praksis juni/juli 2012, 501-509

Zeuthen, K. & J. Gammelgaard (2010a): Infantile Sexuality: The concept, its history and place in contemporary psychoanalysis. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 2010, 33, 3-12

Zeuthen, K. & J. Gammelgaard (2010b):Confusion of Tongues. On the question of the origin and character of infantile sexuality. Paper read at conference in London: Perspectives on Child Psychoanalysis Today, d. 10.-12. July 2009, In: European Psychoanalytical Federation, Bulletin 64, Year 2010, 67-79

Zeuthen, K., S. Holm Pedersen & J. Gammelgaard (2010):Attachment and the Driving Force of Development. A Critical Discussion of Empirical Infant Research. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 2010, 19/4, 230-239

Zeuthen, K. & S. Køppe (2009):What is reality and what is pleasure? Commentary to Zygmunt Bauman: Freudian Civilization revisited. Anthropological Psychology No. 21, 19-22

Zeuthen, K., J. Gammelgaard & S. Holm (2008): Tilknytning og udviklingens drivkraft. En kritisk diskussion af empirisk spædbørnsforskning(Attachment and the Driving Force of Development. A Critical Discussion of Empirical Infant Research), Psyke og Logos nr. 2, Spædbarnspsykologi. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 431-450

Holm, S., K. Zeuthen & J. Gammelgaard (2006): Tilknytning og forførelse (Attachment and Seduction). Psyke og Logos nr. 2, 2006, Social ansvarlighed. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 914-921

Køppe, S. & K. Zeuthen (2006): Hud-psyken (The Skin Psyche), Matrix nr. 3, 2006. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 237-258

Zeuthen, K. (2003): Tilknytning, infantil seksualitet og seksuelle overgreb (Attachment, Infantile Sexuality, and Sexual Abuse), In: Psyke og Logos nr. 2, 2003,Tilknytning og tilknytningsforstyrrelse. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 741-758

Book chapters

Zeuthen, K., Hagelskjær, M. (accepted for publication 2015): The body locked by a lack of meaning. In: Representing the un-representable – eds. Ben Tyer og Agnieszka Piotrowska, pursuing publication with Routledge early 2016

Zeuthen, K. & Gammelgaard J.(accepted for publication 2014): Enigmatic Sexuality. In: Clinical Encounters: Psychoanalytic practice and queer theory, eds. Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson, pursuing publication with The New Library of Psychoanalysis

Zeuthen, K. & S. Køppe (2015): Psykoanalysen efter Freud. In: Personlighedspsykologi. En grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet (Psychoanalysis after Freud). København: Hans Reitzel, 2. edition

Zeuthen, K. & S. Køppe (2014): Psykoanalysen efter Freud. In: Personlighedspsykologi. En grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet (Psychoanalysis after Freud). København: Hans Reitzel, 1. edition

Zeuthen, K. (2012): Infantil seksualitet (Infantile Sexuality). In: Det taler – en antologi om det ubevidste, (In: Id Talks – an anthology on the unconscious), Gammelgaard, J., Matthiesen, B. B., Holm Pedersen, S. & K. Zeuthen (eds.). København: Akademisk Forlag, 79-106.

Zeuthen, K. (2006): Barnlig seksualitet og seksuelle overgreb på børn (Child Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse). In: Seksuelle overgreb mod børn og unge. En antologi om forebyggelse og behandling (In: Sexual abuse against children and adolescents. An Antology about Prevention and Treatment). A. Hammershøi og J. Mehlbye (eds.), Forskningsnetværket om seksuelle overgreb mod børn, København: akf forlaget, 18-29.

Educational material

Zeuthen, K. & Chr. Graugaard (submitted 2015): Børn og unges seksuelle socialisering (Children and adolecents’ sexual socialization) . In: Seksualundervisningens didaktik (The didactics of sexual education), eds. Chr. Graugaard, L.A. Roien og V. Simovska, publication 2017, København: Hans Reitzel

Zeuthen, K. (submitted 2015): Barndommens seksualitet (The sexuality of childhood).  In: Sexologi  - en lærebog (Sexuality – a text book), red. Chr. Graugaard, Bo Møhl og Annamaria Giraldi, publication 2016, København: Munksgaard

Hagelskjær, M., Zeuthen, K & Graugaard, C: Krop og seksualitet (Body and Sexuality). In: Pædagogik i skole og fritid: For skole/fritidsspecialiseringen på pædagoguddannelsen (Pedagogy in school and leisure time: For school/club specialization at the pedagogy education), publication 2016, Forlaget Systime

Zeuthen, K. (2014) Spillerum og Mit eget rum: Spillerum som App. Et undervisningsmateriale om følelser, grænser og seksualitet. Fem temaer om lyst, aktivitet, frivillighed, fantasi og omsorg (Play Room the App. An educational material about feelings, boundaries, and sexuality. 5 themes about pleasure, activity, voluntariness, fantasy, and care), developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs.

Zeuthen, K. (2013): Spillerum. Et undervisningsmateriale om følelser, grænser og seksualitet. Fem temaer om lyst, aktivitet, frivillighed, fantasi og omsorg (Play Room. An educational material about feelings, boundaries, and sexuality. 5 themes about pleasure, activity, voluntariness, fantasy, and care), developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs. Second edition, 3000 copies in Danish, Odense: Naryana Press  

Zeuthen, K. (2013): Spilleregler. Vejledningsmateriale til Spillerum (Play Rules. Guidance to Play Room), developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs. Second edition, 3000 copies in Danish (second edition 3000 copies). Odense: Naryana Press

Zeuthen, K. (2013): Børn og seksualitet. In: Sunde Børn. Til forældre med børn i alderen 0-3 år. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 79-80. (Children and Sexuality. In: Healthy children, for parents with children aged 0-3). The Ministry of Health, Denmark.

Zeuthen, K. (2011): Spillerum. Et undervisningsmateriale om følelser, grænser og seksualitet. Fem temaer om lyst, aktivitet, frivillighed, fantasi og omsorg (Play Room. An educational material about feelings, boundaries, and sexuality. 5 themes about pleasure, activity, voluntariness, fantasy, and care), developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs. First edition, 3000 copies in Danish. Odense: Naryana Press

Zeuthen, K. (2011): Spilleregler. Vejledningsmateriale til Spillerum (Play Rules. Guidance to Play Room), developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs. First edition, 3000 copies in Danish. Odense: Naryana Press

Scholarly reports and memos

Zeuthen, K. (2013): Hvordan forstår vi børns seksualitet og hvordan reagerer vi på vores mistanker? (How should we understand child sexuality in our professional work and how do we respond to our suspicions?) In: Compendium about Neglect and Abuse and for Gladsaxe Municipality

SISO, Børn- og ungeenheden, Servicestyrelsen (2011): Den professionelle tvivl. Tegn og reaktioner på seksuelle overgreb mod børn og unge. Et fagligt vejledningsmateriale (The Professional Doubt. Signs and signals of sexual abuse against children. A Professional guidance material), Authors: Katrine Zeuthen, Anette Baadsgaard, Karin Lassen, Mimi Strange, Tove Christiansen Bjerre, Pernille Spitz, Birgitte Mai Jep­pesen, Jill Mehlbye: Developed for SISO, the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs

Forskningsnetværket mod seksuelle overgreb på børn (2009): Notat om national model for Børnehuse i Danmark (The National Research Network against Child Sexual Abuse. A Memo on a National Model for Child Protection Centres in Denmark)


Zeuthen, K. (2009):Kærlighed og overlevelse. Om barneseksualitet og seksuelle overgreb (Love and Survival. On child sexuality and sexual abuse). København: Akademisk Forlag


I have chosen to present this article as it illustrates the broad scope of my research.

Zeuthen, K. & M. Hagelskjær Jensen (2013): Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse – analysis and discussion of the field. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Volume 22, Issue 6, 742-760, online August 2013, in print December 2013


ID: 8777