Jørn Wulff Helge

Jørn Wulff Helge


Member of:

  • Web Track 3: Individualized health

Curriculum Vitae

Jørn Wulff Helge





Jan. 1987    Bachelor Maths, Univ. of Aarhus

Jan. 1993    MSc Sport Science, Univ. of Copenhagen

May 1997   PhD at Univ. of Copenhagen



1997-2000 Post Doc Human Physiology, Faculty of Science, Univ. CPH.

2000-2002 Post Doc Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medical Science

2002-2014 Assoc. Professor, Dept. Biomedical Sciences (BMI)

2014-2018  Professor MSO, BMI

2016-2020 Head of Graduate School Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

2018           Professor, BMI


Administration and Leadership

2006-2017  Section head and board member of BMI

2007-2010  Member of study board for Public Health

2016-2019 Head of Graduate School Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

2017+         Member of leadership team BMI


Change of environment

1994           7 months research with Prof Len Storlien at Univ. of Wollongong, NSW, Australia

2000           3 months research with Prof Ole Sejersted at Ullevaal Hosp., Oslo Univ. Oslo, Norway

2015/16      3 months research visit with Prof John Hawley at Catholic Univ., Melbourne, Australia


International relations

I have ongoing collaborations with Prof. Jim Cotter, University of Otago, NZ, , Assoc. Prof. Marcin Baranowski, University of Bialystok, Poland and Prof. Paul Greenhaff, University of Nottingham, UK.


Commissions, councils etc.

2017 -         Elected member of European College of Sports Science (ECSS) Executive Board

2019-2021 President elect ECSS

2021-2023  President ECSS

2023-2025 Past President ECSS

2023-          Member of committee to develop new Ageing Center initiative at Univ. of Copenhagen.


Large grants

I was one of four main applicants to receive 24 mill. Danish kr. to the DANHES investigation (a study of 18.000 Danes Smoking, alcohol, diet and exercise habits). I was a partner in the EU-grant,”Metapredict” (6 mill. Euro) that aimed to determine genetic predictor profiles. I was a co-Pi in two 2016 Excellence grants; the Copenhagen Women’s Health (cws.ku.dk, 25.3 mill. Dkk) grant and the LIFESTAT (www.lifestat.dk, 22.3 mill Dkk) grant. I was a senior researcher in the Centre of Healthy Aging (http://healthyaging.ku.dk; (CEHA I + II + III, 2009-2023; 378 mill. kr.) received from the Nordea Foundation.


Awards and prices                                                         

Silver medal in Physiology A 1992 at Univ. of CPH.

ECSS Young investigators prize in Nice, France, 1996.

Received Johan Quintin and wife’s honorary prize, February 2008.



I have taught physiology at several courses; Medical students 4th semester; “Energy metabolism”, “Human Physiology and disease” for Public Health students and exercise Physiology at all levels at Sports Science (Faculty of Science, Univ. CPH). I have been supervisor for >130 bachelor, master and research year students.



I have been principal supervisor for eight completed PhD and co-supervisor for thirteen completed PhD´s. I am currently principal supervisor for three PhD-students.


Evaluator and opponent

Since 2001, I have been an opponent and/or chair of the assessment committee on 50 Danish and International PhD-thesis’s.


Scientific focus areas

  • Regulation and physiological importance of maximal fat oxidation;
  • The effects of bioactive lipids, ceramides and diacylglycerols for insulin resistance and inflammation in man.
  • Adipose tissue inflammation, regulation and function and coupling to systemic inflammation
  • Factors that determine maintenance of lifestyle interventions and weight loss including applying Biological age as a tool to improve lifestyle and maintenance.
  • Estimation and measurement of maximal oxygen uptake applying the Seismofit equipment


Science dissemination

I am an author or –co-author on 15 popular science books/papers. In 2018-2019 I was a consultant on the translation of ”Idrættens Træningslære (Released from Munksgaard, January 2019) from Norwegian to Danish. I was one of four editors on the Norwegian version and have written two chapters in the book.



I am an author or co-author of 239 peer reviewed scientific papers, 14 reviews or book chapters. My H-index is 50 (R-ID) or 64 (Google Scholar) and my Researcher ID: I-7096-2012 and Orcid-id is orcid.org/0000-0001-9724-5423

ID: 5133