Esben Boeskov Øzhayat

Esben Boeskov Øzhayat

Associate Professor

Primary fields of research

 My research focus is the patient perspective and subjects derived from this including effect of health care systems and the individual and public benefit of oral prevention and treatment. It is about:

  • Oral health
  • Quality of life
  • Society
  • Economy
  • Policy making
  • Inequality
  • People in vulnerable situations
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Co-creation

I use both quantitative and qualitative research methods and have performed many clinical studies but also population studies, register-based studies, and interviews are used to describe the societal and social aspects of odontology.

I am leading research projects independently and in collaboration with others and my focus is on interdisciplinary collaborations using my robust network of research collaborators. The goal with this is to make the research as relevant as possible with greatest quality and impact. I have experience in all parts and all phases of research and project management. This includes applying and getting funds for projects and supervising PhD students, research assistants, post doc, assistant professors, and pre-graduate researchers.

Current research

Selected current research projects:

1. Lifelong Oral Health

The Lifelong Oral Health project is a co-creation project with the aim of improving the oral health of elderly people in vulnerable situations. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Center for Humanistic Health Research (CoRe), Greve and Frederiksberg Municipality and VIVE. The project creates knowledge that can be used by municipalities and other stakeholders to develop and implement the most relevant efforts to ensure good oral health among older people. The project website can be found here: Sund mund hele livet – Københavns Universitet (

2. Use and effect of a subsidy scheme for dental treatment among people in vulnerable situations

The project examines the use and effect of a municipally administered subsidy scheme for unemployed people in vulnerable situations through questionnaires, registers and interviews. The project is both descriptive and contains tests of an effort. The findings from the project can be used by decision makers for policy making and other stakeholders to improve access to dental care for people in vulnerable situations and thus reduce inequality in oral health.

3. Improved oral health in the middle-aged and elderly

The goal of the project is to identify factors that can be used as intervention targets to ensure good oral health among middle-aged and older Danes. This is done by utilizing data from the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank (CAMB). Knowledge from the project can lead to fewer comorbidities and reduce the societal costs related to poor oral health. The project will therefore be of interest to e.g. decision makers and various NGOs.

4. Challenging the notion of coherency in care pathways for vulnerable groups

The project is a qualitative project carried out in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and Høje Taastrup Municipality. The aim is to describe the pathways unemployed people in vulnerable situations go through from the perspective of both the citizen and the employees. This knowledge can be used to organize the most relevant pathways for citizens and thus help them further in life, incl. connection to the labor market.

For past projects/studies, please see my publication list.


I am course director of courses in community dentistry, large interdisciplinary courses in comprehensive dentistry, and the introduction course for new dental students. I teach and supervise in most areas within community dentistry, including social odontology, communication and decision making as well as subjects within oral rehabilitation and comprehensive dentistry incl. treatment planning. I have knowledge on the general studies and curriculum from work in the study board and experience in constructing smaller and larger courses and have taught all types of session on many different levels including supervising students doing their master’s theses. My style is open and involving with strong focus on maximizing the students’ learning.  

For more details on my teaching experience and philosophy please ask for my teaching portfolio.

Selected activities

  1. Fra fugletælling til tandpleje – når borgerne forsker

    Øzhayat, Esben Boeskov (Other)

    15 Jun 2024

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

ID: 546069