David Paul Drucker Woldbye

David Paul Drucker Woldbye

Associate Professor


Name:              David PD Woldbye

Born:               Copenhagen, DK

Position:           Assoc Prof

Work address:   Laboratory of Neural Plasticity, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of CPH



1997: Ph.D., Univ. of Copenhagen, DK: "Neuropeptide Y and Somatostatin in the Dentate Gyrus in Relation to Seizures Induced by Electroconvulsive or Focal Electrical Stimulation"

1993: M.D., Univ. of Copenhagen, DK



1985-1990  Student researcher in the lab. of Dr. Jane Mellanby, Dept of Experimental Psychology, Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom; Student researcher in the lab. of late Professor Niels A. Lassen, Bispebjerg Hospital, Dept of Clinical Physiology & Nuclear Medicine, DK

1990-1993  Student researcherat the Lab. of Neuropsychiatry, Dept of Pharmacology, Univ of Copenhagen, DK

1993-1996  PhD studentat the Lab. of Neuropsychiatry and Dept of Medical Anatomy, Univ of Copenhagen, DK

1997-1998  Research Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, Univ of Copenhagen, DK

1998-2001 Assistant Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, DK

2001-2011 Associate Professor with tenure; Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry, Rigshospitalet Univ Hospital; Dept of Neuroscience & Pharmacology, Univ of Copenhagen, DK

2001-2005  Guest researcherat the lab. of Prof. Merab Kokaia, Lund University, Sweden

2011+  Associate Professorwith tenure; Laboratory of Neural Plasticity, Dept of Neuroscience & Pharmacology, Univ of Copenhagen, DK

2016-2018  Head of Laboratory of Neural Plasticity, Univ of CPH (located at Symbion, CPH). The staff included 3 Assoc Professors, 4 post-docs, 8 PhD students, 6 Master students



1990-1991  Grethe and Hans Lundbeck Scholarship

1991           Gold medalin Essay Competition of Univ. of CPH in Medicine

1993+         Speakerat >46 international scientific meetings and conferences, >106 abstracts

1996+         Lecturesin pharmacology and neuropharmacology for students of medicine, dentistry, human biology at the Univ of CPH

2000           The Ole Rafaelsen Award in Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology

2002+         Supervisorof 17 PhD students in total, 9 as main supervisor

2003-2010  Board memberof the Education Committee for Medicine, Univ of Copenhagen

2005+         Board memberof the NeuroCluster at Univ of Copenhagen, Co-organizerof the Baltic Summer School, Copenhagen. Invited speakerat Meetings and conferences in St Petersbourg, Florida (2004), Baltimore, Maryland (2006), Lucknow, India (2006), Okinawa, Japan (2008), McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, USA (2013), University of Kentucky (2013), Edmonton, Canada (2019); Invited speakerat Grand Round lectures at Coimbra, Portugal (2005, 2012), Chicago Medical School (2008)

2010+         Board memberof the Academic Council of the Univ of Copenhagen; Lectures at PhD Courses: “Epilepsies and epileptogenesis”, Course in Epilepsy (2010), University of Coimbra Portugal; “NPY in temporal lobe epilepsy seizures”, Course in Epilepsy (2010), University of Coimbra, Portugal; “Gene therapy of the brain”, Course in Gene Therapy, Univ of Copenhagen (2010-2013, 2016, 2019)

2014+         Advisory board: Shire, DK; Consultant CombiGene, Sweden

2015-2019  Teaching master students in neuroscience at the Sino-Danish Center, Beijing, China

2018           Dana Glue annual prize for ADHD research (https://www.danalim.dk/om-dana-lim/dana-lim-prisen)

2018+         Advisory board Panion, Sweden; appointed member of SUND Innovation Working Group that acts under the guidance of the Vice-dean for improving innovation at the Univ of CPH

2019+         Consultant and The Board of Directors of RetiPharma (Danish spin-out company)



Head of own research group at the Dept. Neuroscience, UCPH, studying effects of gene therapeuticregulation of neuropeptides in experimental models of epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorder models. Expertise: Gene therapy, behavioural rodent models, chemogenetics (DREADDs), GCam endoscope, in situ hybridization, receptor autoradiography, functional binding assays, viral vectors. Research group includes 2 Post-docs, 5 PhD students, 2 research assistants, 4 master students, 1 secretary. Currently funded by the Lundbeck Foundation, NOVO foundation, and the Innovation Foundation as well as various other foundations. 



Since 1996 evaluator of manuscriptsin 41 different international journals, including Nature Medicine, Arch Gen Psychiatry, Prog Neurobiol, J Neurosci, Biol Psychiatry, Neuropsychopharmacology, J Biol Chem 

Evaluator of project applications for the Austrian Science Foundation (2007), the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Georgia (2012), the Medical Research Council (MRC) UK (2013), University of Coimbra, Portugal (2013) 

Since 2004 evaluator of 17 PhD theses



1997+         Head of my own research group since 1997

2012           Completed leadership course at Univ of CPH

2014+         Attending Physician (medical doctor) for 5 years at CPH Psychiatric Departments (Glostrup, Gentofte, and Bispebjerg Hospitals) once every month: Overall responsibility for running the departments, in charge of team of medical doctors, medical students, nurses.

2016-2018  Head of Laboratory of Neural Plasticity (located at Symbion, CPH). The staff included 3 Assoc Professors, 4 post-docs, 8 PhD students, 6 Master students. The lab moved to the location of my current research group and became integrated into the Dept. Neuroscience at Mærsk Tower, CPH

2018+         Head of own research group at Mærsk Tower, CPH, Dept. Neuroscience, Univ of CPH. Group includes 2 Post-docs, 5 PhD students, 2 research assistants, 5 master students, 1 secretary. Member of The Board of Directors of RetiPharma (Danish spin-out company)



Co-founder of two stock-listed gene therapy companies in Sweden: CombiGene(NSDAQ First North) and Panion (Aktietorget). CombiGene recently funded 25 MIO DKK by EU Horizon 2020

Co-founder of Danish spin-out company RetiPharma (DK), currently funded by NOVO Nordic Foundation BioInnovation Institute (BII) 10 MIO DKK funding 



Since 2008 provided scientific comments 12 times in Danish newspapers, two times on Danish television, one time on the radio. 2013 awarded the communicator of the month at the Dept. of Neuroscience and Pharmacology.



A total of 113 publications in international journals, several in high ranking journals, including Nature Medicine (x2), Nature Commun, Pharmacol Reviews, Molecular Psychiatry, Brain, Plos Biology, Scientific Reports, Biological Psychiatry (x2), J Neurosci (x4), FASEB Journal. H-factor: 27; Web of Science: Author=(Woldbye D) OR Author=(Wolby):Total citations: 2449. Inventor on five patents/patent applications


ARTICLES 1993-2014

1.    Kragh J, Bolwig TG, Woldbye DPD, Jørgensen OS (1993) Electroconvulsive shock and lidocaine-induced seizures in the rat activate astrocytes as measured by glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Biol Psychiatry33:794-800.

2.    Kragh J, Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG (1993) Long-term effects of repeated electroconvulsive shock on exploratory behaviour and seizure susceptibility to lidocaine in rats. J Psychiat Res 27:89-94.

3.    Kragh J, Bruhn T, Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG (1993) Electroconvulsive shock (ECS) does not facilitate the development of kindling. Prog Neuropsychopharm Biol Psychiatry 17:985-9.

4.    Mikkelsen JD, Woldbye DPD, Kragh J, Larsen PJ, Bolwig TG (1994) Electroconvulsive shocks increase the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA in the piriform cortex and the dentate gyrus. Mol Brain Res 23:317-22.

5.    Mikkelsen JD, Larsen PJ, Sørensen GG, Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG, Hastings MH, Ebling FJP (1994) A dual immunocytochemical method to localize c-fos protein in specific neurons based on their content of neuropeptides and connectivity. Histochemistry 101:245-51.

6.    Dalby NO, Tønder N, Wolby D, West M, Finsen B, Bolwig TG (1996) No loss of hippocampal hilar somatostatinergic neurons after repeated electroconvulsive shock: a combined stereological and in situ hybridization study. Biol Psychiatry40:54-60.

7.    Ulrichsen J, Woldbye DPD, Olsen CH, Haugbøl S, Madsen TM, Bolwig TG, Hemmingsen R (1996) No loss of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampal dentate hilus of alcohol-withdrawal kindled rats. Alcohol Alcoholism31:411-9.

8.    Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG, Kragh J, Jørgensen OS (1996) Synaptic degeneration and remodelling after fast kindling of the olfactory bulb. Neurochem Res 21:583-91

9.    Woldbye DPD, Greisen MH, Bolwig TG, Larsen PJ, Mikkelsen JD (1996) Prolonged induction of c-fos in neuropeptide Y- and somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons of the rat dentate hilus after electroconvulsive stimulation. Brain Res 720:111-9.

10.  Woldbye DPD, Madsen TM, Larsen PJ, Mikkelsen JD, Bolwig TG (1996) Neuropeptide Y inhibits hippocampal seizures and wet dog shakes. Brain Res 737:162-8.

11.  Woldbye DPD, Larsen PJ, Mikkelsen JD, Klemp K, Madsen TM, Bolwig TG (1997) Powerful inhibition of kainic acid seizures by neuropeptide Y via Y5-like receptors. Nature Medicine 3:761-4.

12.  Karle J, Woldbye DPD, Elster L, Diemer NH, Bolwig TG, Nielsen M (1998) Antisense oligonucleotide to GABAAreceptor 2 subunit induces limbic status epilepticus. J Neurosci Res 54:863-9.

13.  Ulrichsen J, Woldbye DPD, Madsen TM, Clemmesen L, Haugbøl S, Olsen CH, Lauersen H, Bolwig TG, Hemmingsen R (1998) Electrical amygdala kindling is facilitated in alcohol-withdrawal kindled rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 33:244-54.

14.  Woldbye DPD, Klemp K, Madsen TM (1998) Neuropeptide Y attenuates naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal via Y5-like receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Therapeutics 284:633-6.

15.  Woldbye DPD(1998) Antiepileptic effects of NPY on pentylenetetrazole seizures.Regul Peptides 75-76:279-82 (inviteret artikel).

16.  Woldbye DPD& Larsen PJ (1998) The how and Y of eating. Nature Medicine 4:671-2.

17.  Bolwig TG, Woldbye DPD, Mikkelsen JD (1999) Electroconvulsive therapy as an anticonvulsant: a possible role of neuropeptide Y (NPY). J Electroconv Ther 15:93-101.

18.  Madsen TM, Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG, Mikkelsen JD (1999) Kainic acid seizure suppression by neuropeptide Y is not correlated to immediate early gene mRNA levels in rats. Neurosci Lett 271:21-4.

19.  Clausen TR, Møller M, Woldbye DPD (2001) Inhibitory effect of neuropeptide Y on morphine withdrawal is accompanied by reduced c-fosexpression in specific brains regions. J Neurosci Res 64:410-7.

20.  Karle J, Woldbye DPD, Diemer NH (2001) GABAAreceptor antisense epilepsy – histological changes following infusion of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to GABAAreceptor 2 subunit into rat hippocampus. Neurol Res 23:39-46.

21.  Klemp K & Woldbye DPD(2001) Repeated inhibitory effects of NPY on hippocampal CA3 seizures and wet dog shakes. Peptides 22:523-7.

22.  Woldbye DPD, Haugbøl S, Bolwig TG, Ulrichsen J (2002) Ethanol withdrawal in rats is attenuated by intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y. Alcohol & Alcoholism 37:318-21.

23.  Woldbye DPD, Nanobashvili A, Husum H, Bolwig TG, Kokaia M (2002) Neuropeptide Y inhibits in vitro epileptiform activity in the entorhinal cortex of mice. Neurosci Lett 333:127-30.

24.  Fink-Jensen A, Fedorova I, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD, Rasmussen T, Thomsen M, Bolwig TG, Knitowski KM, McKinzie DL, Yamada M, Wess J, Basile A (2003) A role for M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in cocaine addiction. J Neurosci Res 74:91-6.

25.  NanobashviliA,Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG, Kokaia M (2004) Neuropeptide Y Y5 receptors suppress in vitro spontaneous epileptiform bursting in the rat hippocampus. Neuroreport 15:339-43.

26.  Sørensen G, Wörtwein G, Bolwig TG, Woldbye DPD(2004) Differential roles for neuropeptide Y Y1 and Y5 receptors in anxiety and sedation. J Neurosci Res 77:723-9.

27.  Woldbye DPD& Kokaia M (2004) Neuropeptide Y and seizures: effects of exogenously applied ligands. Neuropeptides 38:253-60.

28.  Larsen MH, Olesen M, Woldbye DPD, Hay-Schmidt A, Hansen HH, Rønn LCB, Mikkelsen JD (2005) Regulation of activity-regulated cytoskeleton protein (Arc) mRNA after acute and chronic electroconvulsive stimulation in the rat. Brain Res 1064:161-5.

29.  Olesen OF, Bennike B, Steno-Hansen E, Koefoed P, Woldbye DPD, Bolwig TG, Mellerup E (2005) The short/long polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene promoter is not associated with panic disorder in a Scandinavian sample. Psychiatric Genetics 15:159.

30.  Thomsen M, Woldbye DPD, Wörtwein G, Fink-Jensen A, Wess J, Barak Caine S (2005) Reduced cocaine self-administration in muscarinic M5 acetylcholine receptor-deficient mice. J Neuroscience25:8141-9.

31.  Woldbye DPD, Nanobashvili A, Sørensen AT, Husum H, Bolwig TG, Sørensen G, Ernfors P, Kokaia M (2005) Differential suppression of seizures via Y2 and Y5 neuropeptide Y receptors. Neurobiol Disease20:760-72.

32.  Christensen DZ, Olesen MV, Kristiansen H, Mikkelsen JD, Woldbye DPD(2006) Unaltered neuropeptide Y (NPY) stimulated [35S]-GTPγS binding suggests a net increase in NPY signalling after chronic electroconvulsive seizures in mice. J Neurosci Res 84:1282-91.

33.  Lindberg C, Koefoed P, Steno-Hansen E, Bolwig TG, Rehfeld JF, Mellerup E, Jørgensen OS, Kessing LV, Werge T, Haugbøl S, Wang AG, Woldbye DPD(2006) No association between the –399 C>T polymorphism of the neuropeptide Y gene and schizophrenia, major depression or panic disorder in a Danish population. Acta Psychiatrica Scand 113:54-8.

34.  Mikkelsen JD & Woldbye DPD(2006) Accumulated increase in neuropeptide Y and somatostatin gene expression in response to repeated electroconvulsive stimulation. J Psychiatric Res 40:153-9.

35.  Hansen H, Rantamäki T, Larsen M, Woldbye DPD, Mikkelsen JD, Castrén E. (2007) Rapid activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signaling pathway by electroconvulsive shock in the rat prefrontal cortex is not associated with TrkB neurotrophin receptor activation. Cellular Mol Neurobiol27:585-94.

36.  Olling JD, Ulrichsen J, Haugbøl S, Glenthøj B, Hemmingsen R, Woldbye DPD(2007) Decreased gene expression of neuropeptide Y and its receptors in hippocampal regions during ethanol withdrawal in rats. Neurosci Lett 424:160-4.

37.  Silva AP, Lourenço J, Xapelli S, Ferreira R, Kristiansen H, Woldbye DPD, Oliveira CR, Malva JO (2007) Protein kinase C activity blocks neuropeptide Y-mediated inhibition of glutamate release and contributes to excitability of the hippocampus in status epilepticus. FASEB J21:671-81.

38.  Thomsen M, Wörtwein G, Fink-Jensen A, Woldbye DPD, Wess J, Barak Caine S (2007) Decreased prepulse inhibition and increased sensitivity to muscarinic, but not dopaminergic drugs in M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice. Psychopharmacology 192:97-110

39.  Thomsen M, Wörtwein G, Olesen MV, Begtrup M, Havez S, Bolwig TG, Woldbye DPD(2007) Involvement of Y5 receptors in neuropeptide Y agonist-induced analgesic-like effect in the rat hot plate test. Brain Res 1155:49-55

40.  Agasse F, Bernardino L, Kristiansen H, Christiansen SH, Ferreira R, Silva BA, Grade S,Woldbye DPD, Malva JO (2008) Neuropeptide Y promotes neurogenesis in murine subventricular zone. Stem Cells 26:1636-45.

41.  Sørensen S, Sager TN, Petersen JH, Brennum LT, Thøgersen P, Thomsen M, Wörtwein G, Fink-Jensen A, Woldbye DPD(2008) Aripiprazole blocks acute self-administration of cocaine and is not self-administered in mice. Psychopharmacology 199:37-46.

42.  Thomsen M, Fink-Jensen A, Woldbye DPD, Wörtwein G, Sager TN, Holm R, Pepe LM, Barak Caine S (2008) Effects of acute and chronic aripiprazole treatment on choice between cocaine self-administration and food under a concurrent schedule of reinforcement in rats. Psychopharmacology 201:43-53.

43.  Koefoed P, vO Hansen T, Woldbye DPD, Werge T, Mors O, Hansen T, Jakobsen KD, Nordentoft M, Wang A, Bolwig TG, Rehfeld JF (2009) An intron 1 polymorphism in the CCK-A receptor gene associated with schizophrenia in males. Acta Psychiatr Scand 120:281-7.

44.  Olling JD, Christensen DZ, Ulrichsen J, Woldbye DPD(2009) Complex plastic changes in the neuropeptide Y (NPY) system during ethanol intoxication and withdrawal in the rat brain. J Neurosci Res 87:2386-97.

45.  Petersen PS, Woldbye DPD, Madsen AN, Egerod KL, Jin C, Lang M, Rasmussen M, Beck-Sickinger AG, Holst B (2009) In vivo characterization of high basal signaling from the ghrelin receptor. Endocrinology150:4920-30.

46.  Sørensen G, Wegener G, Hasselstrøm, J, Hansen, TvO, Woldbye DPD(2009) Neuropeptide Y infusion into the shell region of the rat nucleus accumbens increases extracellular levels of dopamine.Neuroreport 20:1023-6

47.  Christiansen SH & Woldbye DPD(2010) Regulation of the galanin system by repeated electroconvulsive seizures in mice. J Neurosci Res 88:3635-43.

48.  Jeon J, Dencker D, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD, Cui Y, Davis AA, Levey AI, Schütz G, Sager T, Mørk A, Li C, Deng C-X, Fink-Jensen A, Wess J (2010) A subpopulation of neuronal M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors plays a critical role in modulating dopamine-dependent behaviors.J Neuroscience 30:2396-2405.

49.  Koefoed P, Woldbye DPD, Hansen TvO, Hansen ES, Knudsen GM, Bolwig TG, Rehfeld JF (2010) Gene variations in the cholecystokinin system in patients with panic disorder. Psychiatr Genetics 20:59-64.

50.  Olling JD, Ulrichsen J, Correll M, Woldbye DPD(2010) Gene expression in the neuropeptide Y system during ethanol withdrawal kindling in rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 34:462-70.

51.  Schmidt LS, Miller AD, Lester DB, Bay-Richter C, Schülein C, Schmidt HF, Wess J, Blaha CD, Woldbye DPD, Fink-Jensen A, Wörtwein G (2010) Increased amphetamine-induced locomotor activity, sensitization, and accumbal dopamine release in M5 muscarinic receptor knockout mice. Psychopharmacology 207:547-58.

52.  Woldbye DPD, Ängehagen M, Gøtzsche CR, Elbrønd-Bek H, Sørensen AT, Christiansen SH, Olesen MV, Nikitidou L, Hansen TvO, Kanter-Schlifke I, Kokaia M (2010) Adeno-associated viral vector-induced overexpression of neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors in the hippocampus suppresses seizures. Brain 133:2778-88.

53.  Buttenschøn HN, Kristensen AS, Buch HN, Andersen JH, Bonde JP, Grynderup M, Hansen AM, Kolstad H, Kærgaard A, Kærlev L, Mikkelsen S, Thomsen JF, Koefoed P, Erhardt A,Woldbye DPD, Børglum AD, Mors O (2011) The norepinephrine transporter gene is a candidate gene for panic disorder. J Neural Transm 118:969-76.

54.  Christiansen SH, Olesen MV, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD(2011) Fluoxetine reverts chronic restraint stress-induced depression-like behaviour and increases neuropeptide Y and galanin expression in mice.Behav Brain Res 216:585-91.

55.  Dencker D, Wörtwein G, Weikop P, Jeon J, Thomsen M, Sager TN, Mørk A, Woldbye DPD, Wess J, Fink-Jensen A (2011) Involvement of a subpopulation of neuronal M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the antipsychotic-like effects of the M1/M4 preferring muscarinic receptor agonist xanomeline. J Neuroscience 31:5905-8.

56.  Fink-Jensen A, Schmidt LS, Dencker D, Schülein C, Wess J, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD(2011) Antipsychotic-induced catalepsy is attenuated in mice lacking the M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Eur J Pharm 656:39-44.

57.  Schmidt LS, Thomsen M, Weikop P, Dencker D, Wess J, Woldbye DPD, Wörtwein G, Fink-Jensen A (2011) Increased cocaine self-administration in M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice. Psychopharmacology 216:367-78.

58.  Dencker D, Weikop P, Sørensen G, Woldbye DPD, Wörtwein G, Wess J, Fink-Jensen A (2012) An allosteric enhancer of M(4) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor function inhibits behavioral and neurochemical effects of cocaine. Psychopharmacology224:277-87.

59.  Dyrvig M, Hansen HH, Christiansen SH, Woldbye DP, Mikkelsen JD, Lichota J (2012) Epigenetic regulation of Arc and c-Fos in the hippocampus after acute electroconvulsive stimulation in the rat. Brain Res Bull 88:507-13.

60.  Erhardt A, Akula N, Schumacher J, Czamara D, Karbalai N, Müller-Myhsok B, Mors O, Borglum A, Kristensen AS, Woldbye DP, Koefoed P, Eriksson E, Maron E, Metspalu A, Nurnberger J, Philibert RA, Kennedy J, Domschke K, Reif A, Deckert J, Otowa T, Kawamura Y, Kaiya H, Okazaki Y, Tanii H, Tokunaga K, Sasaki T, Ioannidis JP, McMahon FJ, Binder EB (2012) Replication and meta-analysis of TMEM132D gene variants in panic disorder. Transl Psychiatry2:e156

61.  Gonçalves SJ, Baptista S, Olesen MV, Fontes-Ribeiro C, Malva JO, Woldbye DP, Silva AP (2012) Methamphetamine-induced changes in the mice hippocampal neuropeptide Y system: implications for memory impairment. J Neurochem 123:1041-53.

62.  Gregersen N, Dahl HA, Buttenschøn HN, Nyegaard M, Hedemand A, Als TD, Wang AG, Joensen S,Woldbye DPD, Koefoed P, Kristensen AS, Kruse TA, Børglum A, Mors O (2012) Genome-wide study of panic disorder suggests the amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1 as a candidate gene. Eur J Hum Genetics 20:84-90. 

63.  Gøtzsche CR, Sørensen AT, Nikitidou L, Olesen MV, Sørensen G, Christiansen SH, Ängehagen M, Woldbye DPD*and Kokaia M (2012) Combined gene overexpression of neuropeptide Y and its receptor Y5 in the hippocampus suppresses seizures. Neurobiol Dis 45:288-96. *Woldbye and Kokaia shared last author.

64.  Koefoed P, Woldbye DPD*, Hansen TvO, Christiansen SH, Mors O, Kessing LV, Werge T, Kaipio K, Pesonen U, Fahmy T, Jørgensen OS, Mellerup E, Jakobsen KD, Hansen ES, Knudsen GM, Bukh JD, Bock C, Lindberg C, Kristensen AS, Dam H, Nordentoft M, Als TD, Wang AG, Gether U, Rehfeld JF, Bolwig TG (2012) Association of the leucine-7 to proline-7 variation in the signal sequence of neuropeptide Y with major depression. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 24:81-90. *Woldbye and Koefoed shared first author.

65.  Olesen MV, Christiansen SH, Gøtzsche CR, Holst B, Woldbye DPD(2012) Y5 neuropeptide Y receptor overexpression in mice neither affects anxiety- and depression-like behaviours nor seizures but confers moderate hyperactivity. Neuropeptides 46:71-9.

66.  Olesen MV, Christiansen SH, Gøtzsche CR, Woldbye DPD(2012) Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor hippocampal overexpression via viral vectors is associated with moderate anxiolytic-like and proconvulsant effects in mice. J Neurosci Res 90:498-507.

67.  Sørensen G, Jensen M, Weikop P, Dencker D, Christiansen SH, Loland CJ, Fink-Jensen A, Petersen JH, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD(2012) Neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor antagonism attenuates cocaine-induced effects in mice. Psychopharmacology 222:565-77.

68.  Sørensen G, Woldbye DPD(2012) Mice lacking neuropeptide Y show increased sensitivity to cocaine. Synapse 66:840-3.

69.  Agasse F, Xapelli S, Coronas V, Christiansen SH, Rosa AI, Sardá-Arroyo L, Santos T, Ferreira R, Schitine C, Harnois T, Bourmeyster N, Bragança J, Bernardino L, Malva JO, WoldbyeDP(2013) The neuropeptide galanin promotes neuronal differentiation in murine subventricular zone cultures. Stem Cells Dev 22:1693-1708.

70.  Henningsen K, Woldbye DPD, Wiborg O(2013) Electroconvulsive stimulation reverses anhedonia and cognitive impairments in rats exposed to chronic mild stress. Eur Neuropsychopharm 23:1789-94.

71.  Holst B, Madsen KL, Jansen AM, Jin C, Rickhag M, Lund VK, Jensen M, Bhatia V, Sørensen G, Madsen AN, Xue Z, Møller SK, Woldbye D, Qvortrup K, Huganir R, Stamou D, Kjærulff O, Gether U (2013) PICK1-deficiency impairs secretory vesicle biogenesis and leads to growth retardation and decreased glucose tolerance. PloS Biology 11:e1001542.

72.  Rickhag M, Herborg-Henriksen F, Sørensen G, Nørgaard-Strandfelt K, Andresen B, Gotfryd K, Madsen KL, Vestergaard-Klewe Ib, Amendrup-Johnsen I, Eriksen J, Füchtbauer E-M, Gomeza J, Woldbye DPD, Wörtwein G, Gether U (2013) A C-terminal PDZ domain binding sequence is required for striatal distribution of the dopamine transporter. Nature Commun 4:1580.

73.  Rickhag M, Owens WA, Winkler M-T, Nørgaard-Strandfelt K, Andresen B, Sørensen G, Madsen KL, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD, Sitte H, Daws LC, Gether U (2013) Membrane permeable C-terminal dopamine transporter peptides attenuate amphetamine-evoked dopamine release. J Biol Chem288:27534-44

74.  Sørensen G, Wörtwein G, Fink-Jensen A, Woldbye DPD(2013) Neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor antagonism causes faster extinction and attenuates reinstatement in cocaine-induced place preference. Pharm Biochem Beh 105:151-6.

75.  Wang AG, Koefoed P, Jacoby AS, Woldbye D, Rasmussen HB, Timm S, Dam H, Jakobsen KD, Nordentoft M, Jürgens G, Sorensen HJ, Garsdal O, Hvid M, Werge T (2013) Neuropeptide Y genes and suicidal behaviour among schizophrenic patients. Psychiatr Genet 23:139-40.

76.  Xu R, Pankratova S, Christiansen SH, Woldbye D, Højland A, Bock A, Berezin V (2013) A peptide antagonist of ErbB receptors, Inherbin3, induces neurite outgrowth through ErbB1 inhibition. Neurochem Res 38:2550-8.

77.  Christiansen SH, Olesen MV, Gøtzsche CR, Woldbye DPD(2014) Anxiolytic-like effects after vector-mediated overexpression of neuropeptide Y in the amygdala and hippocampus of mice. Neuropeptides 48:335-44.

78.  Dyrvig M, Christiansen SH, Woldbye DPD, Jacek Lichota (2014) Temporal gene expression profile after acute electroconvulsive stimulation in the rat. Gene539:8-14.

79.  Elbrønd-Bek H, Olling JD, Gøtzsche CR, Waterfield A, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD(2014) NPY-stimulated [35S]GTPγS functional binding is reduced in the hippocampus after kainate-induced seizures in mice. Synapse 68:427-36.

80.  Gregersen NO, Buttenschøn HN, Hedemand A, Dahl HA, Kristensen AS, Clementsen B, Woldbye DPD, Koefoed P, Erhardt A, Kruse TA, Wang AG, Børglum AD, Mors O (2014) Are TMEM genes potential candidate genes for panic disorder? Psychiatr Genet24:37-41

81.  Sørensen G, Bak-Jensen HH, Brennum LT, Bundgaard C, Montezinho LCR, Mørk A, Wörtwein G, Woldbye DPD(2014) Addiction-related effects of DOV 216,303 and cocaine: a comparative study in the mouse. Basic Clin Pharm Tox 114:451-9.



82.  Axelsen TM, Navntoft CAE, Christiansen SH, DreyerJK, SørensenJB, Gether U, Woldbye DPD (2015) [Optogenetics brings hidden neural mechanisms into the light and could become a future therapy]. Ugeskr Laeger 177(34).

83.  Dyrvig M, Gøtzsche CR, Woldbye DP, Lichota J (2015) Epigenetic regulation of Dnmt3a and Arc gene expression after electroconvulsive stimulation in the rat. Mol Cell Neurosci 67:137-43.

84.  Elbrønd-bek H, Skinbjerg M, Christensen DZ, Plenge P, Woldbye DPD(2015) Visualization of functional neuropeptide Y receptors in the mouse hippocampus and neocortex using [35S]GTPγS binding. Int J Pept Res Ther21(3)

85.  Ledri, M and Sørensen AT, Christiansen SH, NikitidouL, MadsenMG, CifraA, BengzonJ, SkagerbergG, EnglundE, Lindberg E, Pinborg LH, JespersenB, Gøtzsche CR, WoldbyeDPD, Andersson M, Kokaia M (2015) Differential effect of neuropeptides on excitatory synaptic transmission in the human epileptic hippocampus. J Neuroscience 35:9622-31.

86.  Martins J, Elvas F, Brudzewsky D, Martins T, Kolomiets B; Tralhão P, Gøtzsche CR, Cavadas C, Castelo-Branco M, Woldbye DP, Picaud S, Santiago AR, Ambrosio AF (2015) Activation of neuropeptide Y receptors modulates retinal ganglion cell physiology, and exerts neuroprotective actions in vitro. ASN Neuro 7:1-21.

87.  Andersson M, Avaliani N, Svensson A, Wickham J, Pinborg LH, Jespersen B, Christiansen SH, Bengzon J, Woldbye DPD, Kokaia M (2016) Optogenetic control of human neurons in organotypic brain cultures. Scientific Reports6:24818.

88.  Avaliani N, Andersson M, Runegaard A, Woldbye D, Kokaia M (2016) DREADDs suppress seizure-like activity in mouse model of pharmacoresistant epileptic brain tissue. Gene Therapy 23:760-76.

89.  Gregersen NO, Buttenschøn HN, Hedemand A, Nielsen MN, Dahl HA, Kristensen AS, Johansen O,Woldbye DP, Erhardt A, Kruse TA, Wang AG, Børglum AD, Mors O (2016). Association between genes on chromosome 19p13.2 and panic disorder. Psychiatr Genet 26:287-92.

90.  Gøtzsche CR, Woldbye DPD (2016) The role of NPY in learning and memory. Neuropeptides 55:79-89.

91.  Howe AS, Buttenschøn HN, Bani-Fatemi A, MaronE, OtowaT, ErhardtA, BinderEB, GregersenNO, MorsO, WoldbyeDP, DomschkeK, DeckertJ, ReifA, ShlikJ, KõksS, KawamuraY, MiyashitaA, KuwanoR, TokunagaK, TaniiH, SasakiT, SmollerJW, De Luca V (2016) Candidate genes in panic disorder: meta-analyses of 23 common variants in major anxiogenic pathways. Mol Psychiatry21:665-79.

92.  Jensen M, Rudenko O, Christiansen SH, Skov LJ, Ratner C, Woldbye DPD, Holst B (2016) Anxiolytic-like effects of increased ghrelin receptor signaling in the amygdala. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol19:1-12.

93.  Johansson I, Woldbye D(2016) Kliniske aspekter relateret til ADHD-lægemidlers forskellige virkningsmekanismer. Best Practise in Psychiatry 8:18-23.

94.  MøllerLLV, Sylow L, GøtzscheCR, Serup AK, Christiansen SH, Weikop P, Kiens B, Woldbye DPD, Richter EA (2016) Decreased spontaneous activity in AMPK α2 muscle specific kinase dead mice is not caused by changes in brain dopamine metabolism. Physiol Beh 164:300-5.

95.  Ledri LN, Melin E, ChristiansenSH, GøtzscheCR, CifraA,WoldbyeDPD, Kokaia M (2016) Translational approach for gene therapy in epilepsy: model system and unilateral overexpression of neuropeptide Y and Y2 receptors. Neurobiol Dis86:52-61.

96.  Wei YB, Melas PA, Villaescusa JC, Liu JJ, Xu N, Christiansen SH, Elbrønd-Bek H, WoldbyeDP, Wegener G, Mathé AA, Lavebratt C(2016) MicroRNA 101b is downregulated in the prefrontal cortex of a genetic model of depression and targets the glutamate transporter SLC1A1 (EAAT3) in vitro. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol19:1-9.

97.  Caballero-Puntiverio M, Fitzpatrick CM, Woldbye DP, Andreasen JT (2017) Effects of amphetamine and methylphenidate on attentional performance and impulsivity in the mouse 5-choice serial reaction time task. J Psychopharm31:272-83.

98.  Fitzpatrick CM, Caballero-Pulvinerio M, Gether U, Habekost T, Bundesen C, Vangkilde S, Woldbye DPD, Andreasen JT, Petersen A (2017) Theory of visual attention (TVA) applied to mice in the 5-choice serial reaction time task. Psychopharmacology 234:845-55. Woldbye, Andreasen, and Petersen shared last author. 

99.  Jørgensen SH, Fitzpatrick CM, Woldbye DP, Sørensen AT (2017) Chemogenetic modulation of G-protein coupled receptor signalling in visual attention research. Acta Pharm Toxicol 121:373-81. 

100. Skov LJ, Jensen M, Christiansen SH, Ratner C, Woldbye DPD,Holst B (2017) Exploring the behavioral and metabolic phenotype generated by re-introduction of the ghrelin receptor in the ventral tegmental area. Int J Mol Sci 18:5.

101. Axelsen TM, Woldbye DPD(2018) Gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease, an update.J Parkinson’s Dis 8:195-215.

102. Campos EJ, Martins J, Brudzewsky D, Correia S, Santiago AR, Woldbye DPD, Ambrósio AF (2018) The impact of type 1 diabetes mellitus and sitagliptin treatment on the neuropeptide Y system of rat retina. Clin Exp Ophthalmol Clin Exp Ophthalmol 46:783-95.

103. Christiansen AT, Kiilgaard JF, Klemp K, Woldbye DPD, Hannibal J (2018) Localization, distribution, and connectivity of neuropeptide Y in the human and porcine retinas  –  a comparative study. J Comp Neurol 526:1877-95.

104. Christiansen AT, Sørensen NB, Haanes KA, Blixt FW, la Cour M, Warfvinge K, Klemp K, WoldbyeDPD, Kiilgaard JF (2018) Neuropeptide Y treatment induces retinal vasoconstriction and causes functional and histological retinal damage in a porcine ischemia model. Acta Ophthalmologica 96:812-20.

105. Diaz-delCastillo M, Christiansen SH, Appel CK, Falk S, Woldbye DP, Heegaard A-M (2018) Neuropeptide Y is up-regulated and induces antinociception in cancer-induced bone pain. Neuroscience 384:111-19.

106. Diaz-delCastillo M, Woldbye DPD, Heegaard AM (2018) Neuropeptide Y and its involvement in chronic pain. Neuroscience 387:162-169.

107. Olesen MV, Gøtzsche CR, Christiansen SH, Woldbye DPD(2018) Differential plastic changes in synthesis and binding in the brain somatostatin system after electroconvulsive stimulation in mice. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 21:1-11.

108. Runegaard AH, Sørensen AT, Fitzpatrick C, Jørgensen SH, Petersen AV, Hansen NW, Weikop P, Andreasen JT, Mikkelsen JD, Perrier JF, WoldbyeDPD, Rickhag M, Wortwein G, Gether U (2018) Locomotor- and reward-enhancing effects of cocaine are differentially regulated by chemogenetic stimulation of Gi-signaling in dopaminergic neurons. eNeuro5(3).

109. Wickham J, Brödjegård NG, Vighagen R, Pinborg LH, Bengzon J, Woldbye DPD, Kokaia M & Andersson M (2018) Prolonged life of human acute hippocampal slices from temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Scientific Reports8:4158.

110. Fitzpatrick CM, Runegaard AH, Christiansen SH, Hansen NW, Jørgensen SH, McGirr JC, de Diego Ajenjo A, Sørensen AT, Perrier J-F, Petersen A, Gether U, Woldbye DPD& Andreasen JT (2019) Differential effects of chemogenetic inhibition on dopamine and norepinephrine neurons in the mouse 5-choice serial reaction time task. Prog Neuropsychopharm Biol Psychiatry 90:264-76.Woldbye and Andreasen shared last author.

111. Runegaard AH, Fitzpatrick CM, Woldbye DPD, Andreasen JT, Sørensen AT, Gether U (2019) Modulating dopamine signaling and behaviour with chemogenetics: concepts, progress and challenges. Pharmacol Rev 71:123-56.

112. Soud K, Jørgensen SH, Woldbye DPD, Sørensen AT (2019) The C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y (NPY) is not essential for seizure-suppressant actions of prepro-NPY overexpression in male rats. J Neurosci Res 97:362-72.

113. Tillmann S & Skibdal HE, Christiansen SH, Gøtzsche CR, Hassan M, Mathé AA, Wegener G & Woldbye DPD (2019) Sustained overexpression of neuropeptide S in the amygdala reduces anxiety-like behavior in rats. Beh Brain Res 367:28-34.



Woldbye DPD(2002) Neuropeptide Y. Invited article in The Encyclopedia of Molecular Medicine.



US 08901094; PCT/SE2007/050494

Inventors: Merab Kokaia & David Woldbye. Use of nucleic acid sequences for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases, vectors and compositions. Priority application indsendt i Sverige 26.6.2006; PCT indsendt i Sverige juli 2007. National fase igang i EU 2009. Patent approved in the USA 2014Patent approved in EU 2015.


WO2009112033-A1; EP2280703-A1; US2011060037-A1;PCT/DK2009/050052

Inventors: David P.D. Woldbye& Gunnar Sørensen. Use of a neuropeptide Y receptor Y5 antagonist for the preparation of a medicament for achieving a reduction in and/or prevention of abuse of psychostimulants and/or opioids e.g. cocaine or heroin, in an individual.


US 10017554; US 2016/0060320 A1; Priority Application P3184DK00; PCT WO2014166497-A2 April 2014

Inventors: David P.D. Woldbye, Casper Gøtzsche, Kristian Klemp, Vladimir Berezin, Elisabeth Bock. Neuropeptide Y-Derived Peptides for Induction of Neuroplastic Effects. New peptide useful for treating disease or disorder of central nervous system e.g. neurodegenerative disorder and epilepsy and/or eye e.g. retinal dystrophy, comprises contiguous amino acid residues derived from neuropeptide Y. Patent approved in the USA 2018.


Priority Application EPA16164686.4: 11. april 2016

Inventors: David Woldbye, Charlotte Navntoft, Søren H Christiansen, Jakob Kiesbye Drejer. The use of dopamine receptor antagonists for treatment of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders.


Priority Application EPA; Dec 2018

Inventors: Christa, Morten Schak-Nielsen, David Woldbye


Knowledge of languages

Has knowledge of English, German, Spanish, and French



ID: 9451