Christian J. Bjerrum

Christian J. Bjerrum


Place of work
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 10
DK 1350 København K
Phone: +45 3532 2405(direct), 3533 1500 (switch board)

Personal data and education
1988 Matriculated at University of Copenhagen,
1994 M. Sc., University of Copenhagen, November
1999 Ph.D., University of Copenhagen, November

1999,Research Assistant, Danish Center for Earth System Science (DCESS), Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen.
1999-2002, Senior Research Assistant, Danish Center for Earth System Science (DCESS), Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark and Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen.
2002-2005, Assistant Professor, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
2005-2017, Associate Professor, Deptment of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen

2017-present, Pofessor MSO, 



1992-1993 Fulbright Scholarship, USA,

Professional activities
2004 Member of planning committee, Goldschmidt Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark 
2006 Member of the Graduate Study Council, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 
Refereeing for International Journals: Nature, Geophysical Research Letters; Geology; Paleoceanography; Geobiology, P^3.
2008 External reviewer, NERC, UK
2009 Chairman of Associate Professor search commitee

Field work

Logistics planning and participation in three exspeditions to East and Vest Greenland.
Arizona, USA; Tyskland; England.

Geocenter Denmark
The Danish Natural Science Research Council.
2005-2010 Affiliated with Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (NordCEE), PI: Prof. D. E. Canfield, Danish National Research Foundation, 40 million DKK, and
2010-2015, 45 million DKK
2005 Affiliated Cretaceous Research Centre, PI: Prof. F. Surlyk, The Danish Natural Science Research Council ,

Supervisor for 2 post.doc's, 1 PhD, co-supervisor 1 PhD. Finished: External PhD supervisor, Univ. Southern Denmark; Affiliated PhD. advisor, Univ. of Copenhagen; M.Sc. supervisor, Univ. of Copenhagen.

2017: Professor MSO, IGN, KU


PhD, MSc

ID: 7443