Charlotte Hopster-Iversen

Charlotte Hopster-Iversen

Associate Professor

Born in Denmark, but has since young age lived abroad. Studied veterinary medicine at the TiHo (University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover), Germany, where she obtained her veterinary degree in 2006. She obtained the title in equine cardiology in 2008, a PhD title in equine gastroenterology in 2013 and continued her clinical career with a residency in equine internal medicine, where she obtained her board-certification in 2015 in the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). After working several years at the equine clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, she moved to the US in 2017, where she did a fellowship in translational medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. 

In 2018, she started at the Large Animal University Hospital at the University of Copenhagen as an assistant professor in equine internal medicine and since 2019 as associate professor in equine internal medicine. 

She is responsible for the residency supervision in equine internal medicine at the Large Animal University Hospital and is currently supervising one resident. Furthermore, she participates in the clinical teaching of veterinary students within large animal internal medicine. 

She is currently supervising one PhD student as well as master students. 

Her research is wide-spread within equine internal medicine, but is currently mainly focused on equine performance and here primarily equine cardiology, but also with a synergy between equine and human cardiology, mainly within atrial fibrillation. 

Current research

- Prevalence of PAF in horses

- Poor performance in equine athletes

- Effects of sedation on cardiovascular function

ID: 200169130