Anna Haldrup

Anna Haldrup

Head of Department

I am an educated agronomist (1992) from the Royal Veterinary- and Agricultural University and an Industrial PhD (1996) from the University of Copenhagen/Danisco A/S within plant biotechnology. I have always focused on strengthening collaboration between Universities and Private Enterprises/Public Organisations. I have therefore worked both in Industry (Danisco A/S and Carlsberg A/S) and Academia (University of Copenhagen). I benefit a lot from this experience in my current position as Head of Department of Food Science, where we prioritize strong collaboration with Industry and start-ups as well as in my work as Deputy Chairman of Food & Biocluster Denmark. Department of Food Science has approx. 200 employees. We focus on sustainability in both Education and Research. We are strong within food product research (dairy, meat, plants), including food quality, properties of proteins, microbiology, fermentation, processing, process analysis, consumer science, gut microbiota and nutritional metabolomics (food bioavailability).

ID: 6086560