Stephane Polis, Kathrin Gabler et al., Crossing Boundaries: Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt (with a 2019 Progress Report)

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<jats:p>In this paper, we introduce the joint project of the Museo Egizio (Turin), the University of Basel, and the University of Liège entitled “Crossing Boundaries: Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt”, and provide a progress report for 2019. The project deals with Ramesside hieratic papyri of the Turin collection that stem from Deir el-Medina (c. 1350–1050 BCE), adopting a contextualised approach to this written material. Crossing the boundaries between disciplines, we aim to shed light on the life of a particular category of complex documents, labelled “heterogeneous” papyri, i.e., papyri combining on a single support texts (or drawings) belonging to different genres.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRivista del Museo Egizio
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2020

ID: 319159883