Mette Termansen

Mette Termansen


Mette Termansen is an Environmental and Natural Resource Economist primarily working on spatially explicit economic analysis of land use decision-making, ecosystem service provision and valuation. The range of environmental themes includes biodiversity, climate adaptation and mitigation, water quality and recreation. Currently, Mette is particularly interested in spatial analysis of alternative designs of voluntary environmental policy schemes.

Mette is project lead on the H2020 project  EFFECT - Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting.


I teach the BSc module Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

and the MSc module Applied Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Possible conflicts of interest

I collaborate with employees from land based and marine production sectors and environmental NGOs, typically via externally funded projects. The representatives from the private companies and organisations are often partners in the projects or serve in an advisory capacity to the projects. In the projects, I act as an employee of the University of Copenhagen and does not receive any remuneration from the external partners. I also conducts research and advisory projects funded by the Ministry of Environment and Food following contractual procedures agreed between the University of Copenhagen and the Ministry.

ID: 185059635