Visualizing the Curriculum Vitae

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

In research assessment and job applications, researchers are required to submit their curriculum vitae (CV) and publication lists as part of the evaluation process. Typically, the CV and publication list are presented as two seperate documents, listing chronologically academic activities and publications. Relational and
contextual information are perhaps added in a short narrative, but primarily there is a dislocation between the two documents. Increasingly, evaluations are managing large volumes of data and it is important for the evaluand to create
insight from their existing data. In this case, the relationships between publications and academic activites matter more than the individual activity. In order to leverage relationships in CV and publication data, we
explore the usefulness of OrientDB, a multimodel noSQL database with a graph database engine, that claims to be simple and effecient to use. OrientDB provides the possibility to work with multiple types of data in different formats and combine the power of graphs with documents and geospatial models. As a result, one has a greater influence on visualizing the relationships between precise fields in the CV and publication data. The aim is to explore if using OrientDB can present a supplementary infographic in evaluation using CV
and publication information visually, as an analytical tool to create maps, giving the evaluand the opportunity to draw thematic connections between job experience/career goals and publication activites.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2017
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event22 Nordic Workshop in Bibliometrics and Research Policy - University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 9 Nov 201710 Nov 2017


Conference22 Nordic Workshop in Bibliometrics and Research Policy
LocationUniversity of Helsinki

Bibliographical note

Title: Visualizing the Cirriculum Vitae fejlagtigt stavet i original dokument

ID: 184771534