Uncovering forensic evidence of drug-facilitated sexual assault: Toxicological findings from Eastern Denmark from 2015–2022

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In drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA), the victim is unable to provide consent or resists sexual activity due to substance intoxication by voluntary or covert consumption. Obtaining forensic evidence of the assault is challenged by rapid drug metabolism and late sample collection. The objective of this study was to present toxicological findings and associated demographics from police reported sexual assault cases in Eastern Denmark from 2015 to 2022. A total of 369 sexual assault cases were submitted for analysis and a subgroup of 268 cases were categorized as suspected DFSA cases. The majority of the total sexual assault victims were women at the age 15–25 and the perpetrators were often unknown or an acquaintance. Time from assault to sample collection was slightly longer for suspected DFSA cases (12–24 h) compared to non-DFSA (<12 h). Positive toxicology was observed in 86 % of cases and the most common drug groups included alcohol (45 %), drugs of abuse (38 %), antidepressants (14 %), antihistamines (12 %), and benzodiazepines (11 %). Hypnotics were detected to a smaller extent (7 %). A total of 77 drugs were detected and the most commonly observed were cocaine, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cetirizine, amphetamine, diazepam and sertraline. The high level of observed alcohol and drugs of abuse indicated that most DFSA cases in Eastern Denmark were of an opportunistic approach rather than proactive.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102325
JournalLegal Medicine
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • Blood, DFSA, Hair, Retrospective drug survey, Toxicology, Urine

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ID: 369861013