Quality of MALDI-TOF mass spectra in routine diagnostics: results from an international external quality assessment including 36 laboratories from 12 countries using 47 challenging bacterial strains

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  • Aline Cuénod
  • Martina Aerni
  • Claudia Bagutti
  • Banu Bayraktar
  • Efe Serkan Boz
  • Cynthia Beisert Carneiro
  • Carlo Casanova
  • Alix T. Coste
  • Damborg, Peter Panduro
  • Dirk W. van Dam
  • Mehmet Demirci
  • Pavel Drevinek
  • Olivier Dubuis
  • José Fernandez
  • Gilbert Greub
  • Jaroslav Hrabak
  • Gülen Hürkal Yiğitler
  • Jakub Hurych
  • Thøger Gorm Jensen
  • Géraldine Jost
  • Greetje A. Kampinga
  • Sonja Kittl
  • Christine Lammens
  • Claudia Lang
  • Reto Lienhard
  • Julie Logan
  • Carola Maffioli
  • Ivana Mareković
  • Matthias Marschal
  • Jacob Moran-Gilad
  • Oliver Nolte
  • Michael Oberle
  • Michael Pedersen
  • Valentin Pflüger
  • Sigrid Pranghofer
  • Julia Reichl
  • Rob J. Rentenaar
  • Arnaud Riat
  • Belén Rodríguez-Sánchez
  • Camille Schilt
  • Ann Kathrin Schlotterbeck
  • Jacques Schrenzel
  • Shani Troib
  • Elise Willems
  • Mandy Wootton
  • Dominik Ziegler
  • Adrian Egli
  • for the ESGMD study group

Objectives: Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) is a widely used method for bacterial species identification. Incomplete databases and mass spectral quality (MSQ) still represent major challenges. Important proxies for MSQ are the number of detected marker masses, reproducibility, and measurement precision. We aimed to assess MSQs across diagnostic laboratories and the potential of simple workflow adaptations to improve it. Methods: For baseline MSQ assessment, 47 diverse bacterial strains, which are challenging to identify by MALDI-TOF MS, were routinely measured in 36 laboratories from 12 countries, and well-defined MSQ features were used. After an intervention consisting of detailed reported feedback and instructions on how to acquire MALDI-TOF mass spectra, measurements were repeated and MSQs were compared. Results: At baseline, we observed heterogeneous MSQ between the devices, considering the median number of marker masses detected (range = [2–25]), reproducibility between technical replicates (range = [55%–86%]), and measurement error (range = [147 parts per million (ppm)–588 ppm]). As a general trend, the spectral quality was improved after the intervention for devices, which yielded low MSQs in the baseline assessment as follows: for four out of five devices with a high measurement error, the measurement precision was improved (p-values <0.001, paired Wilcoxon test); for six out of ten devices, which detected a low number of marker masses, the number of detected marker masses increased (p-values <0.001, paired Wilcoxon test). Discussion: We have identified simple workflow adaptations, which, to some extent, improve MSQ of poorly performing devices and should be considered by laboratories yielding a low MSQ. Improving MALDI-TOF MSQ in routine diagnostics is essential for increasing the resolution of bacterial identification by MALDI-TOF MS, which is dependent on the reproducible detection of marker masses. The heterogeneity identified in this external quality assessment (EQA) requires further study.

Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Microbiology and Infection
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)190-199
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors

    Research areas

  • Bacterial species identification, Diagnostic performance external quality assessment, MALDI-TOF MS, Quality control, Standardisation

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ID: 317106075