Outcome Measures of New Technologies in Uveal Melanoma: Review from the European Vision Institute Special Interest Focus Group Meeting

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  • Jan Willem M. Beenakker
  • Niels J. Brouwer
  • Cindy Chau
  • Sarah E. Coupland
  • Miltiadis Fiorentzis
  • Heinrich Heimann
  • Jens Heufelder
  • Antonia M. Joussen
  • Kiilgaard, Jens Folke
  • Tero T. Kivelä
  • Sophie Piperno-Neumann
  • Elina S. Rantala
  • Bozena Romanowska-Dixon
  • Carol L. Shields
  • Gregor D. Willerding
  • Thomas Wheeler-Schilling
  • Hendrik P.N. Scholl
  • Martine J. Jager
  • Bertil E. Damato

Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary intraocular tumor in adults. New diagnostic procedures and basic science discoveries continue to change our patient management paradigms. A recent meeting of the European Vision Institute (EVI) special interest focus group was held on "Outcome Measures of New Technologies in Uveal Melanoma,"addressing the latest advances in UM, starting with genetic developments, then moving on to imaging and treatment of the primary tumor, as well as to investigating the most recent developments in treating metastases, and eventually taking care of the patient's well-being. This review highlights the meeting's presentations in the context of the published literature.

Original languageEnglish
JournalOphthalmic Research
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)14-26
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Beenakker: part of the research shown is funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). Brouwer reports funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787) and a MD/ PhD program grant from Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. Coupland reports funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787). Chau reports grants from Oogfonds, ANVVB, and LSBS that contributed through UitZicht and Wealtheon. Jager reports grants from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787), Oogfonds, ANVVB, LSBS, and Wealtheon. Kivuh ela reports support from the Finnish Cancer Foundation and the Helsinki University Hospital (Grant No. 2020315), both in Finland. Rantala reports support from the Eye Foundation, the Finnish Medical Foundation, the Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation, the Eye and Tissue Bank Foundation, the Evald and Hilda Nissi Foundation, and the Helsinki University Hospital (Grant No. 2020315) all in Finland. Scholl reports support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the National Center of Competence in Research Molecular Systems Engineering Molecular Systems Engineering and project funding in biology and medicine (#310030_201165), the Wellcome Trust (PINNACLE study), the Translational Research Acceleration Program Award by the Foundation Fighting Blindness (#TA-NMT- 0621-0805-TRAP), and the Foundation Fighting Blindness Clinical Research Institute (ProgStar study).

Funding Information:
This workshop, which was supported by the European Vision Institute (EVI), featured numerous new technologies for outcome measures for UM. With the advancement of diagnostic tests, new genetic and imaging biomarkers, and especially potential treatments of metastatic disease, exciting new strategies to improve the care for patients with UM are being developed and integrated into clinical practice.

Funding Information:
Beenakker: part of the research shown is funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). Brouwer reports funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787) and a MD/PhD program grant from Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. Coupland reports funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787). Chau reports grants from Oogfonds, ANVVB, and LSBS that contributed through UitZicht and Wealtheon. Jager reports grants from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program UMCure (667787), Oogfonds, ANVVB, LSBS, and Wealtheon. Kivuh elä reports support from the Finnish Cancer Foundation and the Helsinki University Hospital (Grant No. 2020315), both in Finland. Rantala reports support from the Eye Foundation, the Finnish Medical Foundation, the Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation, the Eye and Tissue Bank Foundation, the Evald and Hilda Nissi Foundation, and the Helsinki University Hospital (Grant No. 2020315) all in Finland. Scholl reports support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the National Center of Competence in Research Molecular Systems Engineering “Molecular Systems Engineering” and project funding in biology and medicine (#310030_201165), the Wellcome Trust (PINNACLE study), the Translational Research Acceleration Program Award by the Foundation Fighting Blindness (#TA-NMT-0621-0805-TRAP), and the Foundation Fighting Blindness Clinical Research Institute (ProgStar study).

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© 2022 The Author(s).

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