Multiphasic Prehabilitation Across the Cancer Continuum: A Narrative Review and Conceptual Framework

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  • Daniel Santa Mina
  • Stefanus J. van Rooijen
  • Enrico M. Minnella
  • Shabbir M.H. Alibhai
  • Priya Brahmbhatt
  • Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg
  • Chelsia Gillis
  • Michael P.W. Grocott
  • Doris Howell
  • Ian M. Randall
  • Catherine M. Sabiston
  • Julie K. Silver
  • Gerrit Slooter
  • Malcolm West
  • Sandy Jack
  • Franco Carli

The field of cancer survivorship has significantly advanced person-centered care throughout the cancer continuum. Within cancer survivorship, the last decade has seen remarkable growth in the investigation of prehabilitation comprising pre-treatment interventions to prevent or attenuate the burden of oncologic therapies. While the majority of evidence remains in the surgical setting, prehabilitation is being adapted to target modifiable risk factors that predict poor treatment outcomes in patients receiving other systemic and localized anti-tumor treatments. Here, we propose a multiphasic approach for prehabilitation across the cancer continuum, as a conceptual framework, to encompass the variability in cancer treatment experiences while adopting the most inclusive definition of the cancer survivor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number598425
JournalFrontiers in Oncology
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Copyright © 2021 Santa Mina, van Rooijen, Minnella, Alibhai, Brahmbhatt, Dalton, Gillis, Grocott, Howell, Randall, Sabiston, Silver, Slooter, West, Jack and Carli.

    Research areas

  • cancer, conceptual framework, continuum of care, enhanced recovery after surgery, oncology, prehabilitation, rehabilitation, survivorship

ID: 305411623