Models Where the Least Trimmed Squares and Least Median of Squares Estimators Are Maximum Likelihood

Research output: Working paper

The Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) and Least Median of Squares (LMS) estimators are popular robust regression estimators. The idea behind the estimators is to find, for a given h, a sub-sample of h 'good' observations among n observations and estimate the regression on that sub-sample. We find models, based on the normal or the uniform distribution respectively, in which these estimators are maximum likelihood. We provide an asymptotic theory for the location-scale case in those models. The LTS estimator is found to be h1/2 consistent and asymptotically standard normal. The LMS estimator is found to be h consistent and asymptotically Laplace.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages39
Publication statusPublished - 27 Sep 2019
SeriesUniversity of Copenhagen. Institute of Economics. Discussion Papers (Online)

    Research areas

  • Chebychev estimator, LMS, Uniform distribution, Least squares estimator, LTS, Normal distribution, Regression, Robust statistics, C01, C13

ID: 248551490