Metabolic adaptation is associated with a greater increase in appetite following weight loss: a longitudinal study

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Background: Weight loss is associated with a disproportionate reduction in energy expenditure, along with increases in hunger feelings and ghrelin concentrations. These changes are presumed to be homeostatic mechanisms to counteract the energy deficit. The possibility that these 2 components of the energy balance equation are mechanistically linked has never been examined. Objective: This study aimed to determine if the disproportionate reduction in resting metabolic rate (RMR) seen with weight loss is associated with changes in the plasma concentration of gastrointestinal hormones involved in appetite regulation and subjective appetite ratings. Methods: This was a longitudinal study with repeated measurements. Fifty-six individuals with obesity (body mass index [BMI]: 34.5±0.5 kg/m2; age: 47±1 y; 26 males) underwent an 8 wk low-energy diet, followed by 4 wk of refeeding and weight stabilization. The RMR, respiratory quotient (RQ), body composition, plasma concentrations of ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1, peptide YY, cholecystokinin, insulin, and appetite ratings in the fasting and postprandial states were measured at baseline, Wk9 and 13. Metabolic adaptation was defined as significantly lower when measured versus the predicted RMR (pRMR) (from own regression model using baseline data). Results: A 14.2±0.6 kg weight loss was seen at Wk9 and maintained at Wk13. RQ was significantly reduced at Wk9 (0.82±0.06 vs. 0.76±0.05, P< 0.001) but returned to baseline at Wk13. Metabolic adaptation was seen at Wk9, but not Wk13 (-341±58, P <0.001 and -75±72 kJ/d, P = 0.305, respectively). The larger the difference between measured and predicted RMR at both timepoints, the greater the increase in hunger, desire to eat, and composite appetite score (fasting and postprandial at Wk9, postprandial only at Wk13), even after adjusting for weight loss and RQ. Conclusion: A larger metabolic adaptation during weight loss is accompanied by a greater drive to eat. This might help explain the interindividual differences in weight loss outcomes to dietary interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Book seriesAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Issue number6
Pages (from-to)1192-1201
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023

    Research areas

  • appetite, ghrelin, GLP-1, hunger, PYY, resting metabolic rate

ID: 396979830