Liquid crystalline systems of phytantriol and glyceryl monooleate containing a hydrophilic protein: Characterisation, swelling and release kinetics

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Swelling and phase behaviour of phytantriol and glyceryl monooleate (GMO) matrices with varying water loadings were investigated. Release of a model protein, FITC-Ova was subsequently examined. Polarised light microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering analysis showed that the addition of FITC-Ova only altered the liquid crystalline structure of phytantriol matrices at low water loadings, and that postrelease study, the phase structure of matrices at both low and high loading reflected that of the binary system. Addition of FITC-Ova to GMO matrices also altered the liquid crystalline structure when compared to the respective binary system at low but not at high loading. All samples analysed after the release study had transformed to the reverse hexagonal phase (HII). Swelling studies revealed a faster and more extensive swelling of GMO when compared to phytantriol. Release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol matrices was faster and occurred to a greater extent most likely due to the conversion of GMO matrices into the HII phase. No effect on release as a function of initial water content was observed for either lipid. We have confirmed that phytantriol based liquid crystalline matrices can sustain the release of a hydrophilic protein, suggesting its suitability as a potential sustained antigen-delivery system.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Issue number11
Pages (from-to)4191-4204
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2009

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors would like to thank the University of Otago and the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering for funding the SAXS studies in this manuscript under grant AINGRA07016. Additionally the School of Pharmacy, University of Otago is acknowledged for providing financial assistance to S.R.

    Research areas

  • Controlled release, Diffusion, Kinetics, Lipids, Protein delivery

ID: 399070404