Hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic pregnancy: role of preconception insulin aspart treatment in a randomized study

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OBJECTIVE A recent randomized trial compared prandial insulin aspart (IAsp) with human insulin in type 1 diabetic pregnancy. The aim of this exploratory analysis was to investigate the incidence of severe hypoglycemia during pregnancy and compare women enrolled preconception with women enrolled during early pregnancy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS IAsp administered immediately before each meal was compared with human insulin administered 30 min before each meal in 99 subjects (44 to IAsp and 55 to human insulin) randomly assigned preconception and in 223 subjects (113 for IAsp and 110 for human insulin) randomly assigned in early pregnancy (
Original languageEnglish
JournalDiabetes Care
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)473-7
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2010

ID: 34076559