Haloperidol for the Treatment of Delirium in ICU Patients

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  • Nina C. Andersen-Ranberg
  • Lone M. Poulsen
  • Jørn Wetterslev
  • Stine Estrup
  • Johanna Haestbacka
  • Matt Morgan
  • Giuseppe Citerio
  • Jesus Caballero
  • Maj-Brit N. Kjaer
  • Bjorn H. Ebdrup
  • Janus Engstrom
  • Markus H. Olsen
  • Marie Oxenboll Collet
  • Camilla B. Mortensen
  • Sven-Olaf Weber
  • Buelent Uslu
  • Helle Scharling Pedersen
  • Louise Gramstrup Nielsen
  • Hans C. Toft Boesen
  • Jacob V. Jensen
  • Lars Nebrich
  • Kirstine La Cour
  • Jens Laigaard
  • Cecilie Haurum
  • Marie W. Olesen
  • Christian Overgaard-Steensen
  • Bo Westergaard
  • Bjorn A. Brand
  • Gitte Kingo Vesterlund
  • Pernille Thornberg Kyhnauv
  • Vibe S. Mikkelsen
  • Simon Hyttel-Sorensen
  • Inge de Haas
  • Soren R. Aagaard
  • Line O. Nielsen
  • Anne S. Eriksen
  • Bodil S. Rasmussen
  • Helene Brix
  • Thomas Hildebrandt
  • Martin Schonemann-Lund
  • Hans Fjeldsoe-Nielsen
  • Anna-Maria Kuivalainen
  • AID ICU Trial Grp

BACKGROUND Haloperidol is frequently used to treat delirium in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), but evidence of its effect is limited. METHODS In this multicenter, blinded, placebo-controlled trial, we randomly assigned adult patients with delirium who had been admitted to the ICU for an acute condition to receive intravenous haloperidol (2.5 mg 3 times daily plus 2.5 mg as needed up to a total maximum daily dose of 20 mg) or placebo. Haloperidol or placebo was administered in the ICU for as long as delirium continued and as needed for recurrences. The primary outcome was the number of days alive and out of the hospital at 90 days after randomization. RESULTS A total of 1000 patients underwent randomization; 510 were assigned to the haloperidol group and 490 to the placebo group. Among these patients, 987 (98.7%) were included in the final analyses (501 in the haloperidol group and 486 in the placebo group). Primary outcome data were available for 963 patients (97.6%). At 90 days, the mean number of days alive and out of the hospital was 35.8 (95% confidence interval [CI], 32.9 to 38.6) in the haloperidol group and 32.9 (95% CI, 29.9 to 35.8) in the placebo group, with an adjusted mean difference of 2.9 days (95% CI, -1.2 to 7.0) (P=0.22). Mortality at 90 days was 36.3% in the haloperidol group and 43.3% in the placebo group (adjusted absolute difference, -6.9 percentage points [95% CI, -13.0 to -0.6]). Serious adverse reactions occurred in 11 patients in the haloperidol group and in 9 patients in the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS Among patients in the ICU with delirium, treatment with haloperidol did not lead to a significantly greater number of days alive and out of the hospital at 90 days than placebo.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNew England Journal of Medicine
Issue number20
Pages (from-to)2425-2435
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2022

    Research areas


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