Genomic context determines the effect of DNA methylation on gene expression in the gut epithelium of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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The canonical view of DNA methylation, a pivotal epigenetic regulation mechanism in eukaryotes, dictates its role as a suppressor of gene activity, particularly within promoter regions. However, this view is being challenged as it is becoming increasingly evident that the connection between DNA methylation and gene expression varies depending on the genomic location and is therefore more complex than initially thought. We examined DNA methylation levels in the gut epithelium of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, which we correlated with gene expression data from RNA sequencing of the same gut tissue sample (RNA-seq). Assuming epigenetic signals might be pronounced between distinctive phenotypes, we compared large and small fish, finding 22 significant associations between 22 differentially methylated regions and 21 genes. We did not detect significant methylation differences between large and small fish. However, we observed a consistent signal of methylation levels around the transcription start sites (TSS), being negatively correlated with the expression levels of those genes. We found both negative and positive associations of methylation levels with gene expression further upstream or downstream of the TSS, revealing a more unpredictable pattern. The 21 genes showing significant methylation-expression correlations were involved in biological processes related to salmon health, such as growth and immune responses. Deciphering how DNA methylation affects the expression of such genes holds great potential for future applications. For instance, our results suggest the importance of genomic context in targeting epigenetic modifications to improve the welfare of aquaculture species like Atlantic salmon.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2392049
Issue number1
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

    Research areas

  • aquaculture, DNA methylation, epigenetics, gene expression, gut, RNA-seq, salmon, WGBS

ID: 403255889