Effects of Quinine on the Glycaemic Response to, and Gastric Emptying of, a Mixed-Nutrient Drink in Females and Males

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  • Peyman Rezaie
  • Vida Bitarafan
  • Braden David Rose
  • Kylie Lange
  • Zinat Mohammadpour
  • Rehfeld, Jens Frederik
  • Michael Horowitz
  • Christine Feinle-Bisset

Intraduodenal quinine, in the dose of 600 mg, stimulates glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin and insulin; slows gastric emptying (GE); and lowers post-meal glucose in men. Oral sensitivity to bitter substances may be greater in women than men. We, accordingly, evaluated the dose-related effects of quinine on GE, and the glycaemic responses to, a mixed-nutrient drink in females, and compared the effects of the higher dose with those in males. A total of 13 female and 13 male healthy volunteers received quinine-hydrochloride (600 mg (‘QHCl-600’) or 300 mg (‘QHCl-300’, females only) or control (‘C’), intraduodenally (10 mL bolus) 30 min before a drink (500 kcal, 74 g carbohydrates). Plasma glucose, insulin, C-peptide, GLP-1, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and cholecystokinin were measured at baseline, for 30 min after quinine alone, and then for 2 h post-drink. GE was measured by 13C-acetate breath-test. QHCl-600 alone stimulated insulin, C-peptide and GLP-1 secretion compared to C. Post-drink, QHCl-600 reduced plasma glucose, stimulated C-peptide and GLP-1, and increased the C-peptide/glucose ratio and oral disposition index, while cholecystokinin and GIP were less, in females and males. QHCl-600 also slowed GE compared to C in males and compared to QHCl-300 in females (p < 0.05). QHCl-300 reduced post-meal glucose concentrations and increased the C-peptide/glucose ratio, compared to C (p < 0.05). Magnitudes of glucose lowering and increase in C-peptide/glucose ratio by QHCl-600 were greater in females than males (p < 0.05). We conclude that quinine modulates glucoregulatory functions, associated with glucose lowering in healthy males and females. However, glucose lowering appears to be greater in females than males, without apparent differential effects on GI functions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3584
Issue number16
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 by the authors.

    Research areas

  • bitter taste, gastrointestinal hormones, gut functions, human, pancreatic hormones, postprandial blood glucose

ID: 396808891