EAFI: Examination of Anomalous Fantasy and Imagination

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  • 488464

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The Examination of Anomalous Fantasy and Imagination (EAFI) is an instrument for a semistructured, phenomenological exploration of psychopathology of imagination. The EAFI provides a conceptual-descriptive framework to address such experiences. It consists of 16 main items, sometimes divided into subtypes. We suggest that the anomalies of imagination explored by the EAFI reflect an alteration in the structure of consciousness and belong to a fundamental, generative layer of psychopathology with relevance to differential diagnostic purposes.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)216-226
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • Fantasy, Humans, Imagination/physiology, Psychopathology/methods

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ID: 216570325