Drawing the “color line”: Race, ethnicity and religion in Diu

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This article explores how the ideas of race, ethnicity and religion
shifted with modernity in Diu. While it concentrates on findings
about Diu, the arguments it develops are more wide-ranging and
have a series of architectural, urbanistic, and anthropological implications.
It addresses the construction of identity by exploring the multiplicities
and slippages of colonial imagery, social histories, and spatial
production in the management of populations and colonial cities. We
argue that the Portuguese shared ideologies rooted in race, ethnicity
and religion that provide a consistent, detectable structure for
a specific interpretation of spatial-morphological arrangements in
Diu (the city’s buildings, architecture, urban layout, and spatial structure)
in the context of the European colonial city in South Asia. We
analyze the discourse with which the Portuguese created knowledge
through cartography, tracing how ideologies linked to race, ethnicity
and religion were historically internalized, and how they worked in
conjunction with social structures and practices to produce the colonial
city of Diu.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Race, Ethnicity and the City
Issue number3
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2022

Bibliographical note

Nuno Grancho is an architectural historian and theorist who works at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, material culture and colonial practices and its relationship with the transatlantic world and (post)colonial Asia.
His research examines how architectures and cities of struggle have shaped the modernity of South Asia. He is interested in how architecture and urbanism are conceived as a medium, and how this conception informs the legitimation of architecture and urbanism as social and cultural practices.
Since 2021, he has been a Visiting Researcher at the Royal Danish Academy - School of Architecture, Design and Conservation, Copenhagen.
Since 2021, he has been a Postdoctoral Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen. Grancho’s research project entitled “Privacy on the move: two-way Processes, Data and Legacy of Danish metropolitan and colonial Architecture and Urbanism” (https://teol.ku.dk/privacy/indiabridge/ ) is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020.

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