Development of antibody levels and subsequent decline in individuals with vaccine induced and hybrid immunity to SARS-CoV-2

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  • Joanne Reekie
  • Henrik Stovring
  • Henrik Nielsen
  • Isik S. Johansen
  • Benfield, Thomas
  • Lothar Wiese
  • Nina Breinholt Stærke
  • Iversen, Kasper
  • Ahmed Basim Mustafa
  • Kristine Toft Petersen
  • Maria Ruwald Juhl
  • Knudsen, Lene Surland
  • Mette Brouw Iversen
  • Sidsel Dahl Andersen
  • Fredrikke Dam Larsen
  • Eva Anna Marianne Baerends
  • Susan Olaf Lindvig
  • Line Dahlerup Rasmussen
  • Lone Wulff Madsen
  • Wendy Bannister
  • Tomas Oestergaard Jensen
  • Lisa Loksø Dietz
  • Ostrowski, Sisse Rye
  • Lars Østergaard
  • Martin Tolstrup
  • Lundgren, Jens
  • Ole Schmeltz Søgaard
  • ENFORCE Study Group

Objectives: This study aimed to compare antibody trajectories among individuals with SARS-CoV-2 hybrid and vaccine-induced immunity. Methods: Danish adults receiving three doses of BTN162b2 or mRNA-1237 were included prior to first vaccination (Day 0). SARS-CoV-2 anti-spike IgG levels were assessed before each vaccine dose, at Day 90, Day 180, 28 days after 3rd vaccination (Day 251), Day 365, and prior to 4th vaccination (Day 535). SARS-CoV-2 PCR results were extracted from the national microbiology database. Mixed-effect multivariable linear regression investigated the impact of hybrid-immunity (stratified into 4 groups: no hybrid immunity, PCR+ prior to 3rd dose, PCR+ after 3rd dose and before Day 365, PCR+ after Day 365) on anti-spike IgG trajectories. Results: A total of 4,936 individuals were included, 47% developed hybrid-immunity. Anti-spike IgG increases were observed in all groups at Day 251, with the highest levels in those PCR+ prior to 3rd dose (Geometric Mean; 535,647AU/mL vs. 374,665AU/mL with no hybrid-immunity, P<0.0001). Further increases were observed in participants who developed hybrid immunity after their 3rd dose. Anti-spike IgG levels declined from Day 251-535 in individuals without hybrid-immunity and in those who developed hybrid-immunity prior to their 3rd dose, with lower rate of decline in those with hybrid-immunity. Conclusion: Hybrid-immunity results in higher and more durable antibody trajectories in vaccinated individuals.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107111
JournalInternational Journal of Infectious Diseases
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

    Research areas

  • Anti-spike IgG, Hybrid immunity, SARS-CoV-2, Vaccines

ID: 395872291