Danowhetaksa gen. nov. with two species from the early Eocene Ølst Formation from Denmark, the first Palearctic Whetwhetaksidae (Odonata: Cephalozygoptera)

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We propose Danowhetaksa n. gen. (Odonata: Whetwhetaksidae) with two new species: D. birgitteae n. gen. et sp. and D. rusti n. gen. et sp. from the earliest Ypresian Stolleklint clay of the Ølst Formation in northwestern Denmark. Whetwhetaksidae has previously been known only from the Ypresian Okanagan Highlands of far-western North America, the new records are, therefore, the first from the Palearctic Region.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)585-592
Publication statusPublished - 2022

ID: 358965244