Breakthrough COVID-19 in vaccinated patients with hematologic malignancies: results from EPICOVIDEHA survey

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  • Livio Pagano
  • Jon Salmanton-garcía
  • Francesco Marchesi
  • Ola Blennow
  • Maria Gomes Da Silva
  • Jaap A. Van Doesum
  • Yavuz M Bilgin
  • Alberto Lopez-garcia
  • Federico Itri
  • Raquel Nunes Rodrigues
  • Barbora Weinbergerová
  • Francesca Farina
  • Giulia Dragonetti
  • Caroline Berg Venemyr
  • Jens Van Praet
  • Ozren Jaksic
  • Toni Valkovic
  • Iker Falces-romero
  • Sonia Martin-perez
  • Moraima Jiménez
  • Julio Davila-valls
  • Martin Schonlein
  • Emanuele Ammatuna
  • Stef Meers
  • Mario Delia
  • Zlate Stojanoski
  • Anna Nordlander
  • Tobias Lahmer
  • László Imre Pinczés
  • Caterina Buquicchio
  • Klára Piukovics
  • Irati Ormazabal-velez
  • Nicola Stefano Fracchiolla
  • Michail Samarkos
  • Gustavo-adolfo Mendez
  • José-ángel Hernández-rivas
  • Ildefonso Espigado
  • Martin Cernan
  • Verena Petzer
  • Sylvain Lamure
  • Roberta Di Blasi
  • Joyce Marques De Almeida
  • Michelina Dargenio
  • Monika Maria Biernat
  • Mariarita Sciumè
  • Cristina De Ramón
  • Nick Alexander De Jonge
  • Josip Batinic
  • Avinash Aujayeb
  • Monia Marchetti
  • Guillemette Fouquet
  • Noemi Fernández Escalada
  • Giovanni Paolo Maria Zambrotta
  • Maria Vittoria Sacchi
  • Anna Guidetti
  • Fatih Demirken
  • Lucia Prezioso
  • Zdenek Racil
  • Marcio Nucci
  • Miloš Mladenovic
  • Raphaël Lievin
  • Michaela Hanakova
  • Stefanie K Grafe
  • Uluhan Sili
  • Marina Machado
  • Chiara Cattaneo
  • Tatjana Adzic-vukicevic
  • Luisa Verga
  • Jorge Labrador
  • Laman Rahimli
  • Matteo Bonanni
  • Francesco Passamonti
  • Antonio Pagliuca
  • Paolo Corradini
  • Martin Hoenigl
  • Philipp Koehler
  • Alessandro Busca
  • Oliver A. Cornely
Limited data have been published on the epidemiology and outcomes of breakthrough COVID-19 in patients with hematological malignancy (HM) after anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Adult HM who received at least one dose of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and diagnosed with breakthrough COVID-19 between January 2021 and March 2022 and registered in EPICOVIDEHA were included in this analysis. A total of 1548 cases were included, mainly with lymphoid malignancies (1181 cases, 76%). After viral genome sequencing in 753 cases (49%), Omicron variant was prevalent (517, 68.7%). Most of the patients received at least two vaccine doses before COVID-19 (1419, 91%), mostly mRNA-based (1377, 89%). Overall, 906 patients (59%) received specific treatment for COVID-19. After 30-days follow-up from COVID-19 diagnosis, 143 patients (9%) died. The mortality rate in patients with Omicron variant was of 7.9%, comparable to that reported for the other variants. The 30-day mortality rate was significantly lower than in the pre-vaccine era (31%). In the univariable analysis, older age (p<0.001), active HM (p<0.001), severe and critical COVID-19 (p=0.007 and p<0.001, respectively) were associated with mortality. Conversely, patients receiving monoclonal antibodies, even for severe or critical COVID-19, had a lower mortality rate (p<0.001). In the multivariable model, older age, active disease, critical COVID-19 and at least 2-3 comorbidities were correlated with a higher mortality, whereas the administration of monoclonal antibodies, alone (p<0.001) or combined with antivirals (p=0.009), was observed protective. While mortality is significantly lower than in the pre-vaccination era, breakthrough COVID-19 in HM is still associated with considerable mortality. Death rate was lower in patients who received monoclonal antibodies, alone or in combination with antivirals. EPICOVIDEHA (; National Clinical Trials identifier NCT04733729) is an international open web-based registry for patients with HMs infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2773–2787
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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ID: 324127730