Assistant professor, tenure track, Associate Professor

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    Current research

    Chronic and recurrent infections are often caused by multidrug resistant and tolerant bacteria, also called persisters, which cause a global healthcare crisis to be addressed urgently. The bacterial “alarmone” molecule (p)ppGpp is one of the key signaling molecules critical for persister cell formation. Deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms is anticipated to provide valuable insights which could be exploited to counteract persistent bacterial cells. However, the exact mechanisms operating remain largely unknown. We recently used the systems biology tool, DRaCALA, and identified one third more novel (p)ppGpp binding proteins in E. coli (1). Subsequent study (2) of one target protein PpnN deciphered a delicate molecular mechanism that  E. coli, and probably many other bacteria, use to balance bacterial proliferation and persistence. Studies of other identified (p)ppGpp target proteins are undergoing. For further details, visit our webpage.



    We are always looking for ambitious PhD and Post-Doc candidates with strong interests in the fields of Microbial Stress Response, enzymology and antibiotic tolerance (persistence), and phage-bacteria interactions. Please refer to our Google homepage above and/or contact Yong directly (yong.zhang@bio.ku.dk), and include in the inquiry a motivation letter, short CV.


    1. Yong Zhang*, Eva Zborníková, Dominik Rejman and Kenn Gerdes*. 2018. Novel (p)ppGpp binding and metabolizing proteins of Escherichia coli. mBio 9:e02188-17. https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02188-17. (*co-corresponding)

    2. Zhang E. Yong#*, Bærentsen L Rene#, Tobias Fuhrer, Uwe Sauer, Kenn Gerdes, Brodersen E. Ditlev*. (p)ppGpp regulates a bacterial nucleosidase by an allosteric two-domain switch. Mol Cell (2019). 74(6):1239-1249.e4 (*co-corresponding author; # equal contribution)

    3. Kristina Kronborg, Yong E. Zhang*. Cyclic AMP competitively inhibits periplasmic phosphotases to coordinate nutritional growth and competence of Haemophilus influenzaeJ Bio Chem. 2023 Oct 26. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105404 (published online; selected as an Editors’ Pick)

    ID: 152299398