Søren Frank

Søren Frank


Søren Frank works at the intersection of literary analysis, literary history, and literary theory with a primary focus on the history and theory of the novel. He is an expert in blue humanities and researches the relationship between the Anthropocene and a blue literary history.

He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Southern Denmark, has held research positions at Stanford University, and was a Senior Fellow at the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Søren Frank is a former Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Southern Denmark and was chairman of the advisory board of the Hans Christian Andersen Literature Award for 12 years. He is a recipient of the Carlsberg Foundation's Semper Ardens monograph grant and a member of Academia Europaea.

In 2024, Søren Frank joined the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen as Professor of Danish and Nordic Literature.

See list of publications.


Primary fields of research

  • Literary and Cultural History of the Sea
  • Literary and Cultural History of the Coast
  • Migration Literature
  • Border Literature
  • History of the Novel
  • Blue Humanities
  • The Anthropocene
  • New Materialism
  • Ecocriticism
  • Rhythmanalysis
  • Theory of Place


Current research

Research projects



Latest publications





Future publications

Søren Frank is currently working on a book about the Anthropocene coast in Danish and Nordic literature and a book about the history of comparative literature.

Forthcoming are articles on Georg Brandes and world literature, inundation in Kim Stanley Robinson's New York 2140 and Peder Frederik Jensen's Rans vilje, Johannes V. Jensen's The Long Journey as an unintended genealogy of the Anthropocene, the 1872 storm surge in Danish literature, and Cheminova in new Danish literature.




Søren Frank has taught a wide range of literary courses of an analytical, historical, and theoretical nature at BA and MA level. Examples of courses:

  • Sea, Coast and Climate in Danish and Nordic Literature
  • The Sea and the Anthropocene
  • Academic Writing Workshop
  • American Renaissance
  • French Existentialism
  • The Borders of Europe
  • Literary Theory and Methodology



He has supervised 94 BA projects, 21 Master theses, and 2 PhD dissertations (Marlene Marcussen, Comparative Literature, SDU, "Reading for Space" (2016), with Sten Moslund; Sophy Kohler, English, SDU, "Reading for Relation" (2021), with Rita Felski).

He currently supervises 1 PhD dissertation at NorS, University of Copenhagen (Tanushree Ghosh, "The Coastal Anthropocene"), and 1 PhD dissertation at Institut für Skandinavistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Brandon Kaaz, "The Blue Uncanny", with Frederike Felcht).

Fields of interest

  • Oceans and coasts
  • Climate change
  • The Anthropocene
  • Johannes V. Jensen
  • Georg Brandes
  • Herman Melville
  • Football/Soccer


Selected activities

  1. The Coastal Anthropocene: The 1872 Storm Surge in Danish Literature

    Frank, Søren (Invited speaker)

    29 Jan 2024

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  2. A Poetic History of the Oceans

    Frank, Søren (Keynote)

    26 Jan 2024

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  3. Big Blue Nordic

    Frank, Søren (Keynote)

    17 Jan 2024

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

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