Mirjam Schmuck

Mirjam Schmuck

Associate Professor

Academic Positions / Education                                                                           
Since 08/2021           Associate professor (German linguistics)
                                    University of Copenhagen
2020–2021                 Professor (German linguistics), TU Darmstadt
2017–2020                 Interim professorships at FU Berlin and at
                                    the University of Bochum
2012–2019                 Assistant professor, University of Mainz
07.02.2011                  Doctorate in German linguistics
2005–2012                Research assistant at the University of Mainz
1997–2003                Studies in German (French, Art history)
                                   Master's degree

Research Projects / Editorial Work

Since 2016                Co-editor of Beiträge zur Namenforschung
2012–2019                Researcher in the project Digital Dictionary
                                   of Surnames in Germany

2005–2010                Researcher in the project German Surname Atlas
                                   Academy of Science and Literature | Mainz

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