Mikkel Christoffer Vinding

Mikkel Christoffer Vinding


During my postdoc at the Department of Psychology, I work with cognitive modelling of cognitive control over movements. I used computer-based models based on the principles of active inference to investigate how voluntary and goal-directed intentions are related to motor control. The project also included experiments with EEG, TMS, and behavioural methods.

In my previous projects, I have worked with magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG), with my primary focus on the investigation and modelling of functional neural activity in Parkinson's disease or its relation to clinical symptoms. I have previously also worked with studies of consciousness, intentional control of movements, open science, and data sharing. I am part of the steering group of a large metascience project that investigates how researchers' choice of data processing methods affects scientific conclusions in EEG research.

ID: 399844110