Magdalena Maria Ayache-Socha

Magdalena Maria Ayache-Socha

PhD fellow

Magdalena is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) at the University of Copenhagen. She is interested in public procurement and competition law and currently focuses her research on framework agreements in the EU public procurement law context. She holds a Master’s in law degree from the Jagiellonian University (Poland) and LL.M. in European Business Law (Honour’s) from Aix-Marseille Université (France).

Current research

Parallel Framework Agreements

Magdalena’s PhD project forms a part of the research project ‘CPB-Project: Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements’, which is carried out and supervised by Professor Carina Risvig Hamer and financed by DFF Inge Lehmann.

Simultaneous access to parallel framework agreements is prevalent in public procurement practices. However, EU public procurement law has not specifically addressed this aspect. In the absence of case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union, this project’s main objective is to define and evaluate the legality of parallel framework agreements within the framework of EU public procurement law. The anticipated research outcome is a comprehensive monograph containing both dogmatic and empirical analyses of parallel framework agreements.


Magdalena teaches courses related to her area of expertise, such as 'EU Law' or 'Governmental Contracts'. She also welcomes bachelor’s and master’s theses on topics related to EU law, public procurement law, and competition law.

Fields of interest

  • Public procurement law and policy
  • Competition law
  • EU law
  • EU administrative law

ID: 283358892