Kjeld Møllgård

Kjeld Møllgård

Part-time lecturer, Emeritus

Personal data

Born November 18, 1942, Copenhagen, Denmark

Academic Degrees Medical doctor/Ph.D. in neurobiology, University of Lund, Sweden (1979) ECFMG examination, M.D., USA (1968) M.D., University of Copenhagen (1968)

Academic Appointments
1989-Professor of neuroanatomy, Medical Anatomy, University of Copenhagen
1989Docent, Medical Anatomy, Dept. A, University of Copenhagen
1977-1979Ph.D study program in neurobiology, the medical faculty Lund, Sweden
1972Associate Professor, Medical Anatomy, Dept. A, University of Copenhagen
1971Assistant Professor, Medical Anatomy, Dept. A, University of Copenhagen
1970Postdoctoral Fellow and visiting lecturer at Dept. Physiology-Anatomy, U. C. Berkeley
1969Research Scholar, University of Copenhagen
1968Assistant professor, Medical Anatomy, Dept. A., University of Copenhagen
Editorial Boards
1977-1991Associate editor at Journal of Neurocytology
1975-Referee for 20 major neuroscience journals and international research organizations
Major Administrative Responsibilities
1997-2002Chairman/Vice-chairman (by turns), The Øresund University, a consortium of eleven universities and university colleges in the Øresund Region involving some 120.000 students and 10.000 researchers.
1994-2002Rector/Vice-chancellor, University of Copenhagen
1986-1990Dean, the medical faculty, University of Copenhagen
1984-1987Secretary and later chairman of the medical faculty scientific committee
1984-1985Member and secretary of the medical faculty stipend committee
1983-1990Member of the medical faculty council
1979-1983Chairman, Medical Anatomy, Dept. A, Univ. of Copenhagen
1979-1981Chairman of the joint administration, Anatomical Insts., Univ. of Copenhagen

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