Kirstine Lund Christiansen

Kirstine Lund Christiansen

Research Assistant

I am a PhD fellow in political ecology at Copenhagen University, where I am part of the research project 'The (re-)production of green imaginaries through Natural Climate Solutions', which receives funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Today, more companies and organisations are setting net-zero or climate-neutral pledges, while public scrutiny of potential greenwashing has increased. This has caused renewed interest in the voluntary carbon market as a mechanism to achieve climate mitigation while also strengthening calls for reforming the market to ensure greater quality and integrity. In my research, I explore ideas about how the voluntary carbon market can be improved to deliver meaningful change.

As part of my research, I explore the role of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) as a new rallying point for climate mitigation. I am especially interested in how the CDR agenda provides further impetus to utilise nature and ecosystems as carbon sinks and how ideas of Natural Climate Solutions, Nature-based Solutions and nature restoration are evoked and discussed.

I build on interdisciplinary research traditions, and my research is influenced by scholarship from science and technology studies, critical political economy and political ecology. I have a background in political science, sustainability science and environmental studies.

Supervisors: Jens Friis Lund (University of Copenhagen) and Kate Dooley (University of Melbourne).

ID: 182566620