Emmanuel Raju

Emmanuel Raju

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Member of:

2019 onwards- Associate Professor, Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen

June 2016- 2019 Assistant Professor, Global Health Section & the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

March 2014- May 2016 Post- Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law and Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research, University of Copenhagen

2014-2017- Editorial Board, Asia in Focus, A Nordic Journal on Asia

Nov 2014 – Feb 2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Officer for UN-HABITAT, Myanmar (Deployed by MSB- Sweden) 

2011- Also involved in the personnel roster of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) as Disaster Risk Reduction expert for deployment in International operations in Disaster Risk Reduction 

Visiting Research Scholar at the African Centre for Disaster Studies at North-West University, South Africa (October – November 2010)

Research Scholar at Disaster Research Centre (DRC), University of Delaware, USA (June – August 2008)  


2013 - PhD; Lund University, Sweden (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2009-2012)

2009- M.A in Disaster Management, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India  

2007- B.A (Economics, Political Science and Sociology), St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore University, India. 



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